Unigloves FANCY® SILVER gloves
8,91 €
Fancy is not only an expression for something unusual, but also for our FANCY glove. This eye-catching disposable glove is causing a stir in the gastronomy, lifestyle and medical sectors. Its glossy appearance is a highlight for your hands. Of course, the glove complies with the personal protective equipment regulation (EU) 2016/425 and the European standards EN 374, EN 420 and EN 455. The roughened fingertips ensure an optimal grip during use, and two-handed use is provided by the universal fit. The waterproof material not only protects against moisture, but also against viruses, fungi and bacteria. In addition, the FANCY glove is suitable for use with food.
Choice of S or M size (100 pcs in a package)
Size | S, M |
5 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
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- säilitab naha niiskustaseme
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- toimeaeg alates 30 sekundit / kirurgiline antisepitka 90 sekundit
- etanoolisisalduse mahuprotsent (% vol) 83,8
3ml antiseptikumi kanda kuivadele kätele (ka ärritunud nahk). Jälgi, et kogu naha pind kätel oleks geeliga kaetud (k.a sõrmede vahed, küünte ümbrus, pöidlad jne).
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Aniosgel 800 vastab uusimatele Euroopa Liidu standarditele ja kõikidele Euroopa normidele (hügieeniline ja kirurgiline antiseptika).
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Fancy [ˈfæn(t)si] is not only an expression for something unusual, but also for our FANCY glove. This eye-catching disposable glove is causing a stir in the gastronomy, lifestyle and medical sectors. Its glossy appearance is a highlight for your hands. Of course, the glove complies with the personal protective equipment regulation (EU) 2016/425 and the European standards EN 374, EN 420 and EN 455. The roughened fingertips ensure an optimal grip during use, and two-handed use is provided by the universal fit. The waterproof material not only protects against moisture, but also against viruses, fungi and bacteria. In addition, the FANCY glove is suitable for use with food.
The Fancy series is available in gold “FANCY GOLD”, silver “FANCY SILVER” in sizes XS to XL, purple “FANCY VIOLET” and rose “FANCY ROSE” in sizes XS to L.
XS (5.5-6.0), S (6.5-7.0), M (7.5-8.0), L (8.5-9)
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Measurements on sizes:
S – (6-7)
M – (7-8)
Sat – (8-9)
Double EU-ce marking according to EU directives 93/42/EEC and 89/686/EEC. Standards: EN 455-1, 2, 3 and 4 en 374-2 EN 374-3 chemical penetration test method EN 388 EN 422.
Recommended use: dentistry, medicine, light industry, tattoo/permanent makeup, cosmetics.
The pink disposable face mask is a 3-layer face mask that ideal for use in the salon and for giving to customers. There are 10 pieces in the package
Let's do iti.e not with medical masks.
Instructions for use
– Clean your hands before touching the mask – wash your hands with soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
– Place the mask on your face covering your nose and mouth. The colored side of the mask faces outwards and the edge with the nose clip faces upwards. Pinch the stiff edge of the mask with the metal strip so that it molds around your nose. Make sure the mask covers the nose, mouth and chin.
– If you wear glasses, place them on top of the mask.
– Remove the mask after use
– Throw away the mask immediately after use
– Clean your hands again after touching or picking up the mask.
Warnings and precautions
The maximum wearing time of the protective mask is 4 hours, after which it is recommended to change the mask, because its surface can transmit the virus.
The mask must be changed when it has become wet and exposed to splashes of secretions.
Hand hygiene is important when using and removing the mask - otherwise, a contaminated face mask may encourage infection
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