Sugar Naked
65,03 €

SUGAR NAKED – soe karamellivärv, keskmise küllastusega pastelne toon. Nudepruunid põhipigmendid poolkülmadele huultele või segudele teiste värvidega.
Põhipigment teie ideaalsete tööde jaoks.
suurus | 5ml, 10ml |
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iColor “Natural Brown” pigment, which is only suitable for professional use when making permanent makeup. A neutral perfect brown color with a balance of yellow-black-red (maroon tone) tones and covers with medium strength. After the procedure, the color change depends on the client's skin warmth level. The colder the skin tone, the grayer the color when healing.
The most popular color for women with brown hair and brunettes. The product is suitable for all skin types.
Suitable for the following techniques: powder filling, shading, hair pulling technique.
The product can be mixed with the following shades: the pigment can be made warmer with DARK BLOND pigment, redder-warmer with BRONZA corrector or darker with BLACK & BROWN, DEEP BROWN colors. The product is optimized for subtle shade and soft powder effects and hair pulling techniques.
The result is a versatile portfolio of pigmentation techniques with all colors in the palette. Properties: the color remains stable over time. Pigments easily penetrate the skin, spread evenly.
iColor pigments are created with the highest grade cosmetic and pharmacological ingredients that do not contain heavy metals, parabens or toxic components. The product is hypoallergenic and vegan friendly.
Ingredients: Glycerin, Witch Hazel, Aqua, Rosin, Isopropyl Alcohol, Hydantoin, CI:21095, CI:77266, CI:12477, CI:77891
Quantity: 10ml (5000 EUR/L)
Milky Brown - milky brown color, perfect for blondes. The color is warm, giving the skin a soft chestnut shade. For cold skin with blue or violet undertones, mix with an orange neutralizer. Also suitable for hair blow technique
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Natural Brunette - natural gray-brown, earthy tone, eyebrow hairs are mostly gray. Suitable for warm and neutral skin tones, but on cold skin it heals to gray. Suitable for all skin types, especially harmonious with brunettes and brown-haired women. Suitable for all techniques.
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iColor “Terra Brown” pigment, which is only suitable for professional use when making permanent makeup.
A beautiful brown shade with a yellow-green base and medium coverage. Suitable for warm (red), neutral and cool skin. Can be used on medium dark blonde to light brown hair/skin types. Suitable for light red shade coverage on Fitzpatrick skin type 2.
Can mix: mixing with darker shades like DEEP BROWN, BLACK & BROWN, NATURAL BROWN makes the darker shade softer. The pigment can be made warmer with brown.
iColor pigments are created with the highest grade cosmetic and pharmacological ingredients that do not contain heavy metals, parabens or toxic components. The product is hypoallergenic and vegan friendly.
Ingredients: Glycerin, Virginia witch hazel, Aqua, Rosin, Isopropyl alcohol, Hydantoin, CI:77266, CI:21095, CI:12477, CI:177891
Quantity: 10ml (5000 EUR/L)
tehnikat: pulbertäidis, silmalaugude varjutamine
juuksed: Tumedad juuksed
Nahavärv: Soe, neutraalne
Kulmude pigment. Soe pruun, keskmise küllastusega värv. Sobib puudri (varju) varjutamiseks, vajalik läbimiste arv on 2-3. Mustal, punasel ja kollasel värvil põhinev pigment.
Välimuse värvus: puhas või vase varjundiga pruunikarvaline, keskpruun või karamelline juuksevärv, soe värv.
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