Siid by Kairi body oil 100ml
39,89 € Original price was: 39,89 €.35,38 €Current price is: 35,38 €.
A deeply moisturizing body oil that is pideal for the dry climate of the south. Softer, more moisturized, smoother and brighter skin after the first use. Olive oil, carrot oil and lemon extract create the magic of SIID oil.
SIID oil is just three wonderful components - olive oil, carrot oil and lemon extract. All of which work together to make your skin softer, more moisturized and smelling good.
Olive oil contains plenty of vitamins and antioxidants and deeply moisturizes the skin.
Carrot oil supports the renewal process of the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect, strong moisturizing and antibacterial effect. In addition, the rich beta-carotene contained in carrot oil gives a pleasant complexion.
Lemon extract is one of the strongest immune system boosters because it contains plenty of useful vitamins and has an antibacterial effect. The smell of lemon has a stimulating and concentration-enhancing effect.
- Apply the oil to damp skin fresh from washing all over the body.
- Carefully massage the oil into your skin so that it is absorbed into your skin for maximum hydration.
- Breathe in the pleasant lemon aroma for a while, enjoy your shiny iridescent skin and say to yourself "I am a beautiful woman!" It takes exactly 1-2 minutes, but gives a big positive charge for the day!
- Allow the oil to absorb for a while, as carrot oil can stain clothes.
- Get dressed and move on to your next day's errands.
Olea Europaea Fruit Oil, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil, Citrus Limon Peel Oil, Limonene, Dunaliella Salina Extract
Store at room temperature and protected from sunlight. The shelf life of the body oil when opened is 12 months. The shelf life is printed on the bottle.
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100% vegan.
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A versatile micellar water designed to prepare, cleanse and care for the skin in all three stages of the pigmentation process: before, during and after treatment. The innovative formula restores optimal moisture levels and strengthens the skin's barrier. This gentle but effective product thoroughly cleanses the skin, removing pigment residues that can sensitize the skin. PMU micellar water has soothing, calming and astringent properties that help to reduce inflammation, reduce itching and support the regeneration of irritated skin. Recommended for use by both professional permanent makeup artists and their clients for daily post-care skin care. The formula is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.
Country of origin: Poland
Ingredients and Actions:
ALLANTOIN: soothing, relieves irritation, helps restore moisture levels and supports skin regeneration • BETAIN: Significant moisturizing properties that strengthen the skin barrier, providing protection against external factors • PANTHENOL: Improves skin hydration, softens the outer layer of the skin, accelerates regeneration and soothes irritation, reduces itching • SALLY FLOWER EXTRACT: Supports the reduction of inflammation, soothes irritations and soothes the skin • HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA EXTRACT: Rich in beneficial active substances such as tannins, flavonoids and phenolic acids. It has astringent properties and helps to relieve inflammation • GLYCERIN: Helps to hydrate the skin properly, preventing it from drying out.
Instructions for use:
Soak a cotton pad with micellar water.
Apply to the pigmented area and wait a few seconds or wipe gently.
No need to rinse.
Apply before, during and immediately after the pigmentation procedure.
STEP 1: Preparation for the procedure. Thoroughly cleanses the skin of make-up and henna residues.
STEP 2: Cleaning during the procedure. Effectively removes dried pigment from the skin.
STEP 3: Post-treatment care. Helps with skin care and maintaining proper hygiene. The perfect complement to other Pretty Me Up products.
Note: Store in a cool and shady place. For external use only.
Micellar water is enriched with natural plant extracts of calendula and witch hazel, which can cause sedimentation in the product.
Ingredients (INCI): water/water, propanediol, 1,2-hexanediol, glycerin, betaine, PPG-5 cet-20, panthenol, allantoin, witch hazel, bark/leaf/twig extract, calendula extract, flower extract Citric acid, sodium hydroxide, caramel, disodium EDTA sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate
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