Line 2022 komplekt
228,02 €

Komplekt sisaldab 6 huulte ja kulmude pigmenti, igaüks 5 ml
Rosa CRÉME – rahulik, roosakaspunane pigment pruuni varjundiga.
Stiilne Nude – keskmise intensiivsusega roosipuu värv.
Bellini – tõeline beež, peen värv, karamelli puudutusega.
Luksuslik brünett – paleti tumedaim pigment, keskmise soojuse ja keskmise intensiivsusega.
Natural Brunette – loomulik hallikaspruun, maalähedane toon, kulmukarvad on enamasti halli tooniga.
Orange Neutralizer – keskmiselt oranž, mitte liiga hele korrektor hallide kulmude katmiseks.
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The product is suitable for both permanent make-up artist and lash technician to use every day.
How to use in permanent makeup? – Apply a small amount of foam to the area to be cleaned and wait 15 seconds. Take a piece of cotton wool, wipe off the foam with the excess pigment in one swipe and you're done.
How to use for eyelashes? – Use the foam to clean the lash line before applying the extensions and to gently care for the lashes during application to prolong the effect.
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– An ideal product for removing pigment.
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Toote omadused:
Suur pigmendikoormus tagab maksimaalse värvi säilimise
Loodud vältima ummistumist igas suuruses kasseti otsas
Orgaaniliste ja raudoksiidide kombinatsioon
Peegeldab valgust ja annab mitmemõõtmelise värvi
EL REACHile vastav koostis
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iColor “Berry” pigment for lips, which is only suitable for professional use when making permanent makeup. A bright rose-red iconic color with a cool tone and medium intensity. We often see this color on lipsticks from luxury cosmetic brands.
iColor pigments are created with the highest grade cosmetic and pharmacological ingredients that do not contain heavy metals, parabens or toxic components. The product is hypoallergenic and vegan friendly.
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– 10 ml;
– mineral pigment; – yellowish-brown base;
– darker than No. 7 “Pecan”;
– for light brown 1-2 type blondes according to Fitzpatrick;
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