iColor Tester Set
65,03 €

Komplekt sisaldab 10 minipigmenti huultele, kulmudele ja silmadele, igaüks 1,5 ml
Black Star silmadele, mis sobivad suurepäraselt ripsmete parandamiseks ja silmade varjutamiseks.
Chic Brown — sügavpruun küllastunud pigment kulmudele brünettidele või segudele.
Luksuslik brünett — šokolaadipruun kulmudele, parem kasutada vananenud või väga noorel nahal. Ideaalsed juukselöökide jaoks, tänuväärsed mineraalvärvid näevad selles pigmendivarjutuses õhulisemad välja.
Naturaalne brünett – kõige universaalsem värv brünettidele ja blondidele juustele.
Dark Coffee — soe kohvipruun värv, mis sobib ideaalselt oliiviõli, kollase nahaga puhtal kujul.
Piimjaspruun — armas värv blondi juustega naisele ja eakale naisele — ja armas segu on LUXURIOS BRUNETTE BRUNETTE + MILKY BROWN
Stiilne Nude – roosa varjundiga nude naturaalsetele huultele – ideaalne segude põhivärviks.
Rosa Créme — rahulik sügavpunane värv, mis sobib kõikidele naistele.
Flower Mousse — ideaalne soe korallipigment külmadele või neutraalsetele huultele, jumalad segudes STYLISH NUDE’iga.
Valkiria — ahvatlev värv, sobib suurepäraselt koos teiste pigmentidega.
Black Star
CI 77266, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Chic Brown
CI 561170, CI 56300, CI77266, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Luxurious Brunette
CI 77266, CI 56300, CI77491, PEG-8, Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Natural Brunette
CI 561170, CI 56300, CI77266, CI77491, PEG-8, Aqua,Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Dark Coffee
CI 561170, CI 56300, CI77266, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Milky Brown
CI 561170, CI 56300, CI77266, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Stylish Nude
CI 56110, CI 56300, CI 561170, CI 77891, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
CI 56110, CI 561170, CI 56300, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Flower Mousse
CI 56110, CI 561170, CI 56300, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, CI 56110, CI 561170, CI 56300, CI 77499, PEG-8
See komplekt sisaldab 10 REACH LINE’i minipigmenti kulmudele, silmadele ja huultele. Ideaalne pakkumine uute värvide proovimiseks.
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iColor Mousse 3in1 foam cleanses the skin by removing excess PMU pigment and is designed for sensitive skin. One touch is enough to clean your skin and eyelashes! The thick consistency of the foam does not run over the skin and immediately catches the dirt, which allows for quick and thorough cleaning of the skin.
The product is suitable for both permanent make-up artist and lash technician to use every day.
How to use in permanent makeup? – Apply a small amount of foam to the area to be cleaned and wait 15 seconds. Take a piece of cotton wool, wipe off the foam with the excess pigment in one swipe and you're done.
How to use for eyelashes? – Use the foam to clean the lash line before applying the extensions and to gently care for the lashes during application to prolong the effect.
– Cleans the skin of cosmetics and does not irritate the skin.
– An ideal product for removing pigment.
– Suitable for cleaning eyelash extensions.
– Perfectly cleanses the skin.
– Suitable for use on sensitive skin, does not cause irritation.
– Pleasant smell.
Quantity 100 ml (120 EUR/L)
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