iColor FLY püsimeigi aparaat
450,06 € – 949,89 €

Patenteeritud kaheastmeline mehhanism (iColori meeskonna insenertehniline arendus) hoiab ära kõik tühikäigul olevad torked ja tagab nõela tagasituleku. USALDUSVÄÄRSNE TEHNOLOOGIASwiss Faulhaber 15V mootor genereerib võimsa impulsi, samas kui integreeritud silumissiiber tagab õrna torke.Mootorikapsel kaitseb ohutult kõiki osi, muutes seadme löögi- ja vedelikekindel Ekraan, millel on mehaanilised nupud, taustvalgustus ja nutikas mälu teie lemmikkiiruste kohta Kuldsete kontaktidega pistik tagab ühtlase ja katkematu vooluvarustuse. Seadme kõik komponendid on käsitsi sepistatud ja läbinud sisemise kvaliteedikontrolli
Värv | iColor Fly GOLDUnit control + short stroke handpiece 2.1, 1iColor Fly SPACEunit control + hybrid handpiece 3.1, Handpiece GOLDwith short stroke 2.1, unit control + hybrid handpiece 3.1Handpiece SPACEwith medium stroke |
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Length 136 mm
Holder diameter 76 mm
Weight 210 g
Short stroke hybrid
Can be used with cord and battery.
Needle stroke 2.38
Motor power 8 V
Voltage 4 to 12 V
Rotational speed 6500 rpm
Colors Stealth, Gunmetal, Green
Material aircraft grade aluminum
Warranty and maintenance service 1 year
Engine v10 max
Thanks to its powerful motor, the DIAMOND device draws clear and uniform lines, making it the ideal tool for hair technology.
The main weight of the machine is concentrated in the center of the body to work for a long time without the slightest strain.
Even pixels when sprayed on powdered brows
Minimal injury when working with the eye area
Even color on the lips
Perfectly clear lines, hairs and contours
The DarkLab Lightning Bolt Wireless Universal RCA Battery Pack by FK Irons is a completely wireless power supply that is compatible with all rotary permanent makeup machines with an RCA connection.
This power supply's universal RCA connectivity means it easily plugs into your PMU machine, no matter what brand you're using, and provides up to 10 hours of stable, consistent power on a single charge. Wireless technology reduces clutter in your workspace and offers ultimate freedom for easy maneuvering without wires or restrictions!
The DarkLab Lightning Bolt Universal offers Bluetooth connectivity that lets you pair the battery with other DarkLab wireless products, as well as its mobile app for unique features like voice control and eGive.
Lightning Bolt Universal's ergonomic and compact design, weighing 58g, allows the machine to maintain forward balance and provides maximum ease and comfort to the artist during treatments.
With a lithium-ion battery and a built-in USB-C charging port, the power supply offers ultra-fast charging speed. The voltage can be adjusted using buttons or the DarkLab app, and the screen also has a voltage LED indicator.
Main features:
Single pack - 1 pc
Provides up to 10 hours of power on a single charge
Universal RCA connectivity - compatible with any brand of PMU machines
Bluetooth Connectivity – Can be paired with the DarkLab mobile app
Weight: 58g
Dimensions: H55.25mm x W24.5mm x W53mm
Built-in charger USB-C port and lithium-ion battery
Intuitive controls and voltage LED indicator
Ergonomic, balanced design
transport 1-3 weeks
Only 1 left in stock
Mast Touri tätoveerimismasin on väikseim masin, mida saab hõlpsasti kotti panna. See tätoveerimismasin on mõeldud reisimiseks ja vajab lihtsaid tätoveerijaid.
LED valgus töötab. See tätoveerimismasina raamiosa on käepidemest eraldi. Puhastage tätoveerimismasina raami lihtsalt. Ja käepide on autoklaavitav. Õmblusteta raam, mis kaitseb masina sisemust.
Pliiatsi stiilis pöörlev tätoveerimismasin nõelakassettidega kasutamiseks. Ühildub kõigi tavaliste tätoveeringu toiteallikatega. Masinaraamid on valmistatud kvaliteetsest alumiiniumist tugevatest varrastest, seejärel poleeritud ja anodeeritud ning lasergraveeritud logoga.
Käepidet on ohutu autoklaavis steriliseerida. Pöörake käepidet selle eemaldamiseks või nõela sügavuse reguleerimiseks. Masina keremehhanismis oli kvaliteetne roostevabast terasest vedru. Spetsiaalne mehhanism teeb hea otselöögi kokku piisava pehmusega. Ideaalne masin igasugusteks töödeks. Vooder, peentäpptöö, värviline pakkimine, varjutus, must ja hall realistlik
Technical specifications:
Masina läbimõõt: 25 mm
Masina pikkus: 85 mm
Käigu pikkus: 3,5 mm
Kiirus: 8V/9000rpm
Only 1 left in stock
Microbeau Xion S is the permanent makeup version
FK Irons Xion
. It has been developed and tested in collaboration with permanent makeup artists. Compared to the Xion, the Xion Sl has a smaller handle and a shorter stroke (1.8 or 2.5 mm). The smaller handle has a comfortable and ergonomic design and is better suited to the way PMU artists are used to working. In addition, it is compatible with all tattoo cartridges and is easy to cover and handle. The short stroke length is optimal for the smaller needles and higher speeds typically used for PMU.
The powerful 6-watt MotorBolt is specially designed for the Microbeau and ensures optimal performance from your cartridges, providing maximum torque throughout the session. For greater reliability, the RCA connection is hidden inside the MotorBolt. The Xion S has adjustable stroke length, needle depth and give (softness) so it can be fine-tuned to your preferences and needs. The Xion S gives you full control over your machine and is therefore suitable for many permanent makeup styles.
Main features:
Color: Frost
Adjustable dial (up to 2 mm): simply turn the dial to adjust.
Adjustable needle depth thanks to the Xion S click handle.
Adjustable travel length - comes with 2.5mm and 1.8mm travel wheels.
Ergonomic profile that makes it easy to handle and cover.
Specially designed 6 watt motor bolt.
Concealed RCA connection.
Autoclavable tapered handle.
Compatible with all Cheyenne type cartridges.
transport 1-3 weeks
Only 1 left in stock
DIAMOND – a universal permanent makeup machine suitable for any permanent makeup technique and compatible with most popular modules.
It is based on the innovative German engine of the well-known Faulhaber company, which allows the user to feel confident while working on any skin area.
Perfect pixels for a powder eyebrow tattoo; Low risk of eye injury (lash strengthening); Even lip coverage; Flawless fine lines, single hairs and contoured tattoo.
The main advantages are a modern powerful motor, calibrated balance and no noise or vibration.
Needle bar kick. A short stroke of 2.5 mm allows for strong coverage at high speed with minimal risk of skin damage.
Power. The updated motor allows the DIAMOND machine to draw even more precise and smooth lines, making it the perfect tool for microblading.
Balance. The focus of the weight of the machine is in the middle of the body, which allows the user to feel no muscle strain for a long time. The body of the ergonomic machine fits perfectly into the hand of the tattoo artist and becomes an integral part of it.
Technical specifications:
Length: 118 mm
Weight: 165 g
Gross weight: 267 g
Motor power: 5 W
Voltage: up to 10V
Gear speed: 8000 rpm
Adjustable needle: 2.4 mm, 2.7 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.3 mm, 3.9 mm, 4.2 mm
Connection: RCA (click included)
Colors: Black, Brown
Material: Aviation-Aluminium
Design in USA
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