BOREAL Eau de Parfum
10,98 € – 39,04 €
See lõhn Boreal Amber , mille on loonud online parfümeeria Yodeyma, on sõltuvust tekitav, särav ja intensiivne lõhn, mis ühendab endas jasmiini, safrani, seedripuu ja merevaigu aroomid.
Merevaigu puidused ja lillelised noodid annavad sensuaalse aroomi, mis muutud intensiivsemaks minutite möödumisel.
Size | 15ml, 50ml, 100ml |
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A versatile micellar water designed to prepare, cleanse and care for the skin in all three stages of the pigmentation process: before, during and after treatment. The innovative formula restores optimal moisture levels and strengthens the skin's barrier. This gentle but effective product thoroughly cleanses the skin, removing pigment residues that can sensitize the skin. PMU micellar water has soothing, calming and astringent properties that help to reduce inflammation, reduce itching and support the regeneration of irritated skin. Recommended for use by both professional permanent makeup artists and their clients for daily post-care skin care. The formula is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.
Country of origin: Poland
Ingredients and Actions:
ALLANTOIN: soothing, relieves irritation, helps restore moisture levels and supports skin regeneration • BETAIN: Significant moisturizing properties that strengthen the skin barrier, providing protection against external factors • PANTHENOL: Improves skin hydration, softens the outer layer of the skin, accelerates regeneration and soothes irritation, reduces itching • SALLY FLOWER EXTRACT: Supports the reduction of inflammation, soothes irritations and soothes the skin • HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA EXTRACT: Rich in beneficial active substances such as tannins, flavonoids and phenolic acids. It has astringent properties and helps to relieve inflammation • GLYCERIN: Helps to hydrate the skin properly, preventing it from drying out.
Instructions for use:
Soak a cotton pad with micellar water.
Apply to the pigmented area and wait a few seconds or wipe gently.
No need to rinse.
Apply before, during and immediately after the pigmentation procedure.
STEP 1: Preparation for the procedure. Thoroughly cleanses the skin of make-up and henna residues.
STEP 2: Cleaning during the procedure. Effectively removes dried pigment from the skin.
STEP 3: Post-treatment care. Helps with skin care and maintaining proper hygiene. The perfect complement to other Pretty Me Up products.
Note: Store in a cool and shady place. For external use only.
Micellar water is enriched with natural plant extracts of calendula and witch hazel, which can cause sedimentation in the product.
Ingredients (INCI): water/water, propanediol, 1,2-hexanediol, glycerin, betaine, PPG-5 cet-20, panthenol, allantoin, witch hazel, bark/leaf/twig extract, calendula extract, flower extract Citric acid, sodium hydroxide, caramel, disodium EDTA sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate
Soft and delicate exfoliating gel with components is suitable for the care of aged skin. Does not dry or traumatize the skin.
Gentle scrub is a great exfoliator that cares for your skin with every use. EGF Exfoliating Peeling professional peeling gel gently cleanses the skin of dead skin cells and dirt, leaving the skin soft and clean.
The carefully selected composition improves the texture of the skin and relieves inflammation. Soft and delicate exfoliating gel with components is suitable for the care of aged skin. Does not dry or traumatize the skin. Revitalizes and moisturizes the skin thanks to the vitamin E content.
How to use: apply the peeling gel as a thin layer on a dry face, avoiding the eye and lip area. Leave it on your face for 1-3 minutes, then gently roll the gel pieces using a massage line, then wash your face with lukewarm water.
EGF - the main component of skin regeneration, accelerates the healing and regeneration of damaged tissues, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin and improves cell metabolism. EGF penetrates the epidermis and becomes a catalyst for biochemical processes in the skin.
EGF under the influence of an active growth factor, epidermal cells are rejuvenated, a larger number of stem cells are created in the skin, which transform into new cells, supporting the natural condition of the skin typical of a young age. The skin is completely renewed, stem cells begin to form non-stop.
All in all, the skin is saturated with stem cells and you keep your skin youthful for a long time.
Cellulose (Cellulose) helps to get rid of dirt and dead skin cells, creates a gel-like state and increases the lipophilicity of the cosmetic.
Vitamin E (Vitamin E) reduces the harmful effects of free radicals penetrating skin cells with ultraviolet radiation and poor ecology. Improves blood circulation, fights the formation of varicose veins, edema and skin dullness.
Arginine (Arginine) affects blood microcirculation and increases skin barrier functions. Stimulates regeneration, restores the integrity of skin tissues, heals wounds and ulcers.
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Suurepärane kogemus nii kehale kui ka vaimule läbi kõrgkvaliteetsete taimsete aroomide.
Dušivaht niisutab ja elustab kogu keha ning jätab nahale märgatava värskuse.
Naturaalse pH-ga dušivaht on eriti õrna ja pehme puhastava toimega, säilitab ja hoiab ära niiskusekadu naha kaudu.
100% vegan.
Kandke dušivaht otse niiskele nahale, hoidke hetk nahal ning seejärel loputage.
NB! Loksutage enne kasutamist! Pihusti on surve all. Hoidke lastele kättesaamatus kohas.
Kaitske otsese päikesevalguse eest, mitte hoida temperatuuril üle 50 kraadi C.
Pihustada ei tohi avatud leegile või hõõguvale materjalile. Tühja pakendit ei tohi põletada
ega katki teha. Kasutage ainult määratud eesmärgil.
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Kreem taastab, sügavalt niisutab ja küllastab nahka elastsusega, leevendab põletikke ja stimuleerib regeneratsiooniprotsesse, parandab immuunsust ja loomulikke nahamehhanisme, stimuleerib kollageeni ja elastiini teket.
Aeglustab tõhusalt naha vananemisprotsessi ja parandab selle välimust. Kreemi põhjaks on süvamere mineraalvesi, 7 peptiidi ja ravimtaimede ekstraktid. Kreem on optimaalse tiheduse ja kergusega, imendub kiiresti ja ei jäta rasvaseid jälgi.
● parandab toonust, tugevust ja elastsust
● toidab nahka tõhusalt, toimides peamistele mehhanismidele, mis tagavad naha elujõu ja sära
● eemaldab pigmentatsiooni
● vähendab miimika- ja vanusekortse
● ühtlustab näotooni
● tugevdab naha kaitsebarjääri
Nahatüüp: sobib kõikidele nahatüüpidele. Soovitatav kuivale ja kurnatud nahale.
Soovitatav vanus: alates 30. eluaastast.
● Loodusliku päritoluga heksapeptiid-9 (sh-Decapeptide-9) takistab naha vananemist, soodustab lipiidide kogumist, mis viib naha turgori paranemiseni, mille tõttu ajab kortsud välja, taastades naha sisemise elastsuse.
● Tripeptiid 1 (Copper tripeptide 1) kiirendab naha taastumist. Kasulik pärast laserprotseduure, keemilist koorimist. Kudede rekonstrueerimine, kollageeni tootmine, naha pinguldamine. Parandab dermaalse maatriksi tootmist. Blokeerib toksiinide toimet nahas. Kiirendab haavade ja põletuste paranemist. Hoiab ära naha tüvirakkude vananemist. Suurendab tüvirakkude elujõulisust. Neutraliseerib kiirguse mõju.
● Dipeptiid Diatsetaat (Dipeptide Diacetate) on vananemisvastase toimega, võitleb miimiliste kortsudega, parandab naha elastsust.
● Adenosiin (Adenosine): suurendab kollageeni ja elastiini tootmist nahas, seetõttu vähendab kortse ja silub naha tekstuuri. Võitleb tõhusalt kortsude vastu, omab võimsat tsütoprotektiivset toimet ja kaitseb rakke oksüdatsiooni eest. See mõjutab ka prokollageeni 1 sünteesi, mis vastutab naha elastsuse ja toonuse eest.
● Niatsiinamiid ehk B3-vitamiin (Niacinamide) silub kortse, parandab naha elastsust, vanuselaigud kaovad.
● Rooibose lehtede ekstrakt (Rooibos leaf extract) vähendab oksüdatiivset stressi, kaitseb rakke vabade radikaalide eest ja aeglustab vananemist.
● Oliiviõli (Olive oil) muudab naha pehmeks, silub tekstuuri, niisutab, päästab kuivusest ja dehüdratsioonist.
● Aaloe ekstrakt (Aloe extract) rahustab nahka, leevendab ärritust, võitleb põletike ja rasuse läike vastu.
● Lagritsaekstrakt (Liquorice extract) muudab tumedad laigud heledamaks ja parandab nahatooni.
1. Kandke kreem puhastatud ja toniseeritud nahale.
2. Jaotage toode pehmete masseerivate liigutustega näole.
3. Kandke hommikul ja õhtul.
: Carbonated Water, Water, Methylpropanediol, sh-Decapeptide-9, Glycerin, Caprylic/CapricTriglyceride, Butylene Glycol, Cetearyl lsononanoate, Niacinamide, Bis-PEG-i8 Methyl Ether Dimethyl 5ilaneCetearyl Alcohol, PropyleneGlycolDicaprylate, CetearylOlivate, SorbitanOliuate, BeesWax, OleaEuropaea( Olive) Fruit Oil, Cydopentasiloxane, 2-Hexanediol, Cyclohexasiloxane, Betaine, GlycerylStearate, StearicAcid, Pentylene Glycol, CaprylylGlycol, Arginine, Acrylates/Cio-3oAlkylAcrylateCrosspolymer, Dimethicone/PEG-io/i5 Crosspolymer, AloeBarbadensis Leaf Powder, Oligopeptide-i, Spirulina Maxima Extract, Allantoin, DipotassiumGlycyrrriizate, Adeno5ine, Ethylhexylglycerin, NicotinoylTripeptide-i, PalmitoylPentapeptide-4(Caffeoylsh-Octa pepttde-4, CaffeoylTripeptide-i, sh-Octapeptide-4, 5h-Pentapeptide-i9, AspalathusLinearisExtract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Fragrance.
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Intensive restorative shine care for damaged hair with color protection. Travel-sized product, 75ml.
Perfect hair care - "free from" concept.
Gently cleanses and fills the "empty" hair structure, restores hair strength and elasticity.
With regular use, the active ingredients gradually repair damaged hair.
Important active ingredients: Urban Defense Pro, Shine Fix Complex, Color Fix Complex.
Bamboo pith extract, rich in silica, is necessary to restore hair strength and elasticity.
Urban Defense Pro - protects hair from the harmful effects of the external environment, against free radicals. The biotechnological active substance comes from macromolecules of fermented sugars. Obtained by a natural process - fermentation.
Shine Fix Complex - complex with flaxseed extract rich in omega-3 and -6 fatty acids; smoothes the surface of the hair, gives the hair a beautiful shine.
Color Fix Complex - UV filter, antioxidant, effectively protects cosmetic hair color and keeps hair shiny. With a long-lasting effect, after 9 washes, the 91% color retains its shine and intensity.
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