Brand: KWADRONKWADRON® PMU Optima Tattoo Needles 30/1RLLT 2,50 € – 38,00 €
Introducing the novelty and revolution of permanent makeup. As a leader in the tattoo industry with years of experience in creating and manufacturing the highest quality needles, we have created a product dedicated to permanent makeup - Kwadron PMU Optima Cartridges.
Kwadron PMU Optima allows you to make the most perfect permanent makeup. They have a unique system of stabilization of ultra-sharp needles, which ensures their durability and strength. The body is made of medical plastic, which reduces friction between the needle and the body and ensures high work quality. The integrated needle system with tip ensures the highest safety and hygiene standards. Each Kwadron PMU Optima nozzle is packaged in a sterile single-use package.
KWADRON® PMU OPTIMA CARTRIDGES are compatible with the most popular machines like Icolor Fly and other machines.Blade length:
LT - long taper (7 mm)20 pcs in a pack
Brand: KWADRONKWADRON® PMU Optima Tattoo Needles 25/1RLLT 2,50 € – 38,00 €
Introducing the novelty and revolution of permanent makeup. As a leader in the tattoo industry with years of experience in creating and manufacturing the highest quality needles, we have created a product dedicated to permanent makeup - Kwadron PMU Optima Cartridges.
Kwadron PMU Optima allows you to make the most perfect permanent makeup. They have a unique system of stabilization of ultra-sharp needles, which ensures their durability and strength. The body is made of medical plastic, which reduces friction between the needle and the body and ensures high work quality. The integrated needle system with tip ensures the highest safety and hygiene standards. Each Kwadron PMU Optima nozzle is packaged in a sterile single-use package.
KWADRON® PMU OPTIMA CARTRIDGES are compatible with the most popular machines like Icolor Fly and other machines.Blade length:
LT - long taper (7 mm)20 pcs in a pack
Only 1 left in stock
40,02 €Original price was: 40,02 €.35,38 €Current price is: 35,38 €.Laost otsas ja saadame järgi!
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Brand: KWADRONKWADRON® PMU Optima Tattoo Needles 35/1RLLT 38,00 €
Introducing the novelty and revolution of permanent makeup. As a leader in the tattoo industry with years of experience in creating and manufacturing the highest quality needles, we have created a product dedicated to permanent makeup - Kwadron PMU Optima Cartridges.
Kwadron PMU Optima allows you to make the most perfect permanent makeup. They have a unique system of stabilization of ultra-sharp needles, which ensures their durability and strength. The body is made of medical plastic, which reduces friction between the needle and the body and ensures high work quality. The integrated needle system with tip ensures the highest safety and hygiene standards. Each Kwadron PMU Optima nozzle is packaged in a sterile single-use package.
KWADRON® PMU OPTIMA CARTRIDGES are compatible with the most popular machines such as With icolor Fly and other machines.Blade length:
LT - long taper (7 mm)20 pcs in a pack
In stock
Brand: KWADRONKWADRON® PMU Optima Tattoo Needles 25/3RLLT
38,00 €Original price was: 38,00 €.35,38 €Current price is: 35,38 €.Introducing the novelty and revolution of permanent makeup. As a leader in the tattoo industry with years of experience in creating and manufacturing the highest quality needles, we have created a product dedicated to permanent makeup - Kwadron PMU Optima Cartridges.
Kwadron PMU Optima allows you to make the most perfect permanent makeup. They have a unique system of stabilization of ultra-sharp needles, which ensures their durability and strength. The body is made of medical plastic, which reduces friction between the needle and the body and ensures high work quality. The integrated needle system with tip ensures the highest safety and hygiene standards. Each Kwadron PMU Optima nozzle is packaged in a sterile single-use package.
KWADRON® PMU OPTIMA CARTRIDGES are compatible with the most popular machines such as With icolor Fly and other machines.Blade length:
LT - long taper (7 mm)20 pcs in a pack
36,00 €Original price was: 36,00 €.32,94 €Current price is: 32,94 €.NEEDLES for tattooing and permanent makeup.
20 pcs in a box
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NEEDLES for tattooing and permanent makeup.
20 pcs in a box
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Brand: KWADRONKWADRON® PMU Optima Tattoo Needles 30/3RLLT 38,00 €
Introducing the novelty and revolution of permanent makeup. As a leader in the tattoo industry with years of experience in creating and manufacturing the highest quality needles, we have created a product dedicated to permanent makeup - Kwadron PMU Optima Cartridges.
Kwadron PMU Optima allows you to make the most perfect permanent makeup. They have a unique system of stabilization of ultra-sharp needles, which ensures their durability and strength. The body is made of medical plastic, which reduces friction between the needle and the body and ensures high work quality. The integrated needle system with tip ensures the highest safety and hygiene standards. Each Kwadron PMU Optima nozzle is packaged in a sterile single-use package.
KWADRON® PMU OPTIMA CARTRIDGES are compatible with the most popular machines such as With icolor Fly and other machines.Blade length:
LT - long taper (7 mm)20 pcs in a pack
Brand: KWADRONKWADRON® PMU Optima Tattoo Needles 18/1RLLT 38,00 €
Introducing the novelty and revolution of permanent makeup. As a leader in the tattoo industry with years of experience in creating and manufacturing the highest quality needles, we have created a product dedicated to permanent makeup - Kwadron PMU Optima Cartridges.
Kwadron PMU Optima allows you to make the most perfect permanent makeup. They have a unique system of stabilization of ultra-sharp needles, which ensures their durability and strength. The body is made of medical plastic, which reduces friction between the needle and the body and ensures high work quality. The integrated needle system with tip ensures the highest safety and hygiene standards. Each Kwadron PMU Optima nozzle is packaged in a sterile single-use package.
KWADRON® PMU OPTIMA CARTRIDGES are compatible with the most popular machines like Icolor Fly and other machines.Blade length:
LT - long taper (7 mm)20 pcs in a pack
44,01 €Original price was: 44,01 €.37,82 €Current price is: 37,82 €.CARTRIDGE KWADRON® PMU OPTIMA PLUS - 1RL needle enriched with unique 6+1 technology, which enables even more precise and stable work with a higher pigment flow to the skin without spillage. Optima Plus is the latest product in Kwadron's revolutionary PMU Optima cartridge series.
Thanks to the use of the 6 + 1 Technology system in Optima Plus, we achieved greater stabilization of the needle during the pigmentation process. 6 stabilizing needles protect the guide needle from deformation, which allows you to create extremely precise lines and dots. Working with the Optima Plus cartridge is clean and efficient.
Thanks to the high stiffness of the needle and the increased flow of pigment to the skin, Optima Plus guarantees you the highest precision and even greater efficiency, which allows you to work in a shorter time. 1 RL needle has never before offered such complete control during pigmentation.
The Kwadron Optima Plus cartridge has a safe housing made of medical plastic, which allows to reduce the friction between the needle and the housing and ensures a high work culture. The integrated needle-nose system ensures the highest safety and hygiene standards. Each Kwadron PMU Optima cartridge is packaged in a sterile single-use package.
There are 20 needles in the box
Available in two sizes:
25 / 1RLLT
30 / 1RLOnly 1 left in stock
41,57 €Original price was: 41,57 €.35,38 €Current price is: 35,38 €.CARTRIDGE KWADRON® PMU OPTIMA PLUS – unikaalse 6+1 tehnoloogiaga rikastatud 1RL nõel, mis võimaldab veelgi täpsemat ja stabiilsemat tööd suurema pigmendi vooluga nahka ilma mahavalgumiseta. Optima Plus on Kwadroni PMU Optima kassettide revolutsioonilise seeria uusim toode.
Thanks to the use of the 6 + 1 Technology system in Optima Plus, we achieved greater stabilization of the needle during the pigmentation process. 6 stabilizing needles protect the guide needle from deformation, which allows you to create extremely precise lines and dots. Working with the Optima Plus cartridge is clean and efficient.
Thanks to the high stiffness of the needle and the increased flow of pigment to the skin, Optima Plus guarantees you the highest precision and even greater efficiency, which allows you to work in a shorter time. 1 RL needle has never before offered such complete control during pigmentation.
The Kwadron Optima Plus cartridge has a safe housing made of medical plastic, which allows to reduce the friction between the needle and the housing and ensures a high work culture. The integrated needle-nose system ensures the highest safety and hygiene standards. Each Kwadron PMU Optima cartridge is packaged in a sterile single-use package.
There are 20 needles in the box
Available in two sizes:
25 / 1RLLT
30 / 1RL
In stock
Kwadron on alati olnud pühendunud kompromissitule kvaliteedile. Pärast aastatepikkust tipptasemel kassettide tootmist toome nüüd tätoveeringutintide maailma tõelise revolutsiooni.
Only 1 left in stock
NEEDLES for tattooing and permanent makeup.
20 pcs in a box
In stock
Kwadron on alati olnud pühendunud kompromissitule kvaliteedile. Pärast aastatepikkust tipptasemel kassettide tootmist toome nüüd tätoveeringutintide maailma tõelise revolutsiooni.
Teeme mängus revolutsiooni!
Kõik on muutumas uusima ja kõige arenenuma KWADRON INX™-i kasutuselevõtuga. Kasutades uuenduslikku SONIC DIFFUSION PIGMENTS™ tehnoloogiat, oleme loonud erakordselt sügava ja intensiivselt musta tindi. Murrangulise KWADRON INX ™ musta värvi rikkalikkusega pole midagi võrreldavat. Meie toode on kahtlemata kõige mustem tätoveeringutint turul, mis on valmistatud kõrgeima kvaliteediga koostisosadest. Selle valem tagab täpse ja vaevatu pealekandmise. Proovige seda ja saavutate kiiresti sügava ja ühtlase värvi, mida teie kliendid ootavad!
KWADRON INX ™ tehnoloogiline eelis
Pärast tuhandeid tunde uurimis- ja arendustööd meie laboris oleme loonud kõige arenenuma tindi, mida tätoveeringumaailm on kunagi näinud. KWADRON INX ™ abil saab kõik teie loodud uue mõõtme. See seab uued standardid kvaliteedile, küllastusele ja intensiivsusele, pakkudes teile tööriista, mis tõstab teie tätoveeringu töö kõrgemale tasemele.
KWADRON INX™ – revolutsiooniline valem
KWADRON INX ™-iga loodud tätoveeringud säilitavad oma intensiivsuse ja uskumatult küllastunud toonid muudavad iga kujunduse silmatorkavamaks. See on professionaalide valik, kes ei nõua muud kui kõrgeimat kvaliteeti. Selle mitmekülgne valem muudab selle ideaalseks täitmiseks, vooderdamiseks ja varjutamiseks. Uhkelt valmistatud Poolas kõrgeima kvaliteediga koostisainetega. REACHi järgimine.
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