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  • Brand: 
    iColor pigment "Deep Brown" 10ml 49,18  does not include VAT


    iColor “Deep Brown” pigment for eyebrows and eyes, suitable only for professional use when making permanent makeup. The darkest brown in the palette, based on black pigment and high coverage. It is especially suitable for warm and neutral skin with olive, yellow, pink undertones. Hair can be black or dark brown. Eyebrows are naturally black.

    A special color for deep liners / enhancing eyelashes and gives a smoky effect to the eyes.

    iColor pigments are created with the highest grade cosmetic and pharmacological ingredients that do not contain heavy metals, parabens or toxic components. The product is hypoallergenic and vegan friendly.

    Ingredients: Glycerin, Witch Hazel, Aqua, Rosin, Isopropyl Alcohol, Hydantoin, CI:77266, CI:21095, CI:12477, CI:74265, CI:77891

    Quantity: 10ml (5000 EUR/L)

    Only 1 left in stock

  • Brand: 
    iColor sketch pencil “Ash Blond” 5,74  does not include VAT

    iColor "Ash Blond" pencil, size 17.5 cm, is ideal for drawing, shaping and coloring the eyebrow sketch. An ideal tool for any permanent makeup artist to experiment and give clients an idea of the shade and possible result.

    Easy to sharpen with a classic sharpener.

    In stock

  • Brand: 
    iColor Bi Tech needles for permanent makeup machine 1RL 0.25 29,51  does not include VAT

    Bi Tech 25mm diameter permanent makeup needles with an elastic membrane are suitable for liner technique, hair imitation technique as well as for dry skin. Perfectly compatible with the iColor Fly permanent makeup machine and other well-known machines.

    Techniques: powder technique, eyeliner, watercolor for lips

    There are 20 needles in the box

    In stock

  • Huulte püsimeigi kape 3,28  does not include VAT

    Materjal: kvaliteetne FDA klassi silikoon
    Värv: läbipaistev

    100% täiesti uus ja kvaliteetselt valmistatud
    Mürgivaba ja paindlik
    Mittetoksiline, kaitseb hambaid saaste eest.

    How to use:
    Pane kape 90 kraadisesse kuuma vette umbes 20 sekundiks, et  leotada.
    Pane suhu ning ülemiste ja alumiste hammastega hammustage õrnalt hambaid.
    Iga kord, kui olete kape kasutamise lõpetanud, peske karpi veega  ja kuivatage kuivaks.

    1 X hambakaitse
    1 X hoiukarp

    Only 1 left in stock

  • Dr. Hedison Miracle Cushion vananemisvastane premium jumestuskreem svammis 15g*2tk (natural beige) 55,74  does not include VAT


    – Looduslik, uuenduslik toon, mis on loodud spetsiaalselt Euroopa nahatüübile

    – Asetub ühtlaselt ega tekita maskiefekti

    – Peidab laienenud poore ja pigmendilaike

    – Ei jäta kleepuvat, rasvast kihti

    – Vähendab kortse ja nende sügavust

    – Ei ummista poore

    – Niisutab ja toniseerib intensiivselt nahka

    – Võimas kaitse SPF 50/PA+++


    RAMOSU uuenduslik arendus koos Korea professionaalse kosmeetika kaubamärgiga Dr.Hedison spetsiaalselt Euroopa nahatüübile – Multifunktsionaalne jumestukreem peptiidide ja vahetatava plokiga Dr.Hedison Miracle Cushion SPF50/PA+++. Toode töötati välja Ramosu ettevõtte valvsa juhendamise all, võttes arvesse kõiki soovitusi ja soove.

    Cushion on kombinatsioon jumestuskreemist, päikesekaitsest, niisutavast kreemist ja puudrist.

    Väliselt meenutab padi puudrikarpi, mida on lihtne tööle, reisile või jalutuskäigule kaasa võtta. Korpusel on peegel, puhv-käsn, samuti tonaalses vedelikus immutatud poorne svamm. Padja sees olev svamm on piklikuma ovaalse kujuga, mis teeb toote pealekandmise raskesti ligipääsetavasse kohtadesse lihtsaks ja ühtlaseks.

    Lisaks meigifunktsioonidele (ideaalse tooni pealekandmine, kohanemine erinevate nahavärvitüüpidega) niisutab, toidab ja hooldab aktiivselt nahka. Tonaalse vedeliku tekstuur on õhuline, näol peaaegu tunda ei ole – “maski” efekt puudub.

    Toode on poolmati viimistlusega, seega sobib ideaalselt ka rasuse/kombineeritud naha omanikele.


    Palmitoyl Tripeptide-1 stimuleerib kollageeni ja elastiini sünteesi, mis võimaldab anda nahale elastsust. Palmitoüülheksapeptiid-12 (Palmitoyl hexapeptide-12) suurendab oluliselt hüaluroonhappe sisaldust nahas, taastab elastsuse, toonuse, samuti säilitab nahas niiskuse.

    Palmitoüültetrapeptiid -7 (Palmitoyl hexapeptide-7) aitab peatada naha vananemisprotsessi.

    Tänu oma antibakteriaalsetele ja põletikuvastastele omadustele aitab aaloelehe mahl (Aloe leaf juice) võidelda nahalöövetega.

    Samuti noorendada aktiivselt nahka. Meadowfoam seemneõli (Meadowfoam seed oil) mitte ainult ei optimeeri naha vee-rasva tasakaalu ja kaitseb päikese käes viibimise eest, vaid vähendab ka esimesi kortse.

    Selle jumestukreemi koostis on suunatud komplekssele nahahooldusele. Toote kasutamine annab nahale aktiivse niisutuse, elastsuse ja terve sära.

    Only 1 left in stock

  • Dr. Hedison triple effect CC skin tone correcting cream 50ml 36,89  does not include VAT

    СС on lahti mõtestatuna kui color correction – värvi korrektsioon. СС kreemid lisaks tonaalsuse efektile korrigeerivad nahatooni, leevendades nähtavat punetust, pigmentatsiooni, akne tagajärgi ja soonevõrke.


    • Ebaühtlane toon on minevik, kuna Dr.Hedisoni CC kreem on loodud täiusliku tooni jaoks.

    • Kreem peidab ja aitab eemaldada postakne pigmendilaigud.

    • Niisutab intensiivselt nahka.

    • Suurendab turgorit.

    • Nahk muutub terveks ja vitamiinidega toidetuks.

    CC kreemi tekstuur on kerge ja kaalutu, päeva jooksul pole seda nahal peaaegu tunda. Esialgu on kreemi värvus valge, kuid kokkupuutel nahaga kohandub see tooniga. Aktiivsed koostisosad taastavad nahka, muutes selle säravaks, värskeks ja sametiseks. Toode ühtlustab suurepäraselt reljeefi, niisutab, kaitseb päikesekiirte ja väliskeskkonna eest, eemaldab näolt vananemisilmingud. Sobib kõikidele nahatüüpidele, sealhulgas probleemsele ja teismeliste nahale: kreem mitte ainult ei peida hästi puudusi ja põletikke, vaid ka võitleb nendega. Toodet saab kerge tekstuuri tõttu kasutada iga päev.


    Dr.Hedisoni kolmekordse toimega CC kreem koos SPF38-ga:

    • Pantenool (Panthenol), mis sisaldub koostises, rahustab ja niisutab aktiivselt nahka, suurendab kollageeni kiudude tugevust. Tänu sellele komponendile vähendab Dr.Hedisoni CC kreem kortsude sügavust.

    • Niatsinamiid (Niacinamide) toniseerib suurepäraselt nahka, suurendab vereringet ja võitleb aktiivselt pigmentatsiooni vastu.

    • Tänu kollageenile (collagen) muutub nahk pehmeks ja sametiseks. Kollageen parandab naha prinkust ja elastsust, samuti võimendab regeneratsiooni.

    • Tokoferoolatsetaat (Tocopherol acetate) aitab tootel kasulike elementidega nahka niisutada ja aktiivselt toita. Tokoferool kaitseb hästi päikesevalguse mõjude eest, võimendab regeneratsiooni, ühtlustab naha reljeefi, tooni ja värvi.

    • Sheavõi (Shea Butter) toidab kasulike koostisosadega nahka, muutes selle säravaks ja siledaks.

    • Jojobaõli (Jojoba oil) silub kortse. Õli sisaldab suures kontsentratsioonis aminohappeid ja E-vitamiini, tänu millele annab nahale prinkuse ja elastsuse, olles samas hea antioksüdant. Tänu põletikuvastastele omadusele aitab õli akne, dermatiidi ja muude nahahaiguste korral.

    • Hüaluroonhape (Hyaluronic acid) täidab naha niiskusega ja ühtlustab pH tasakaalu. Soodustab toimeainete sügavat tungimist nahka.

    Only 1 left in stock

  • Brand: 
    Box of 20 Vertix Nano Cartridges 0.33mm Liner Needle Size 01 Original price was: 36,89 €.Current price is: 34,43 €. does not include VAT

    A Vertix nano needle designed for the most demanding artist!

    Transparent removable tip for visibility of ink flow and easy needle adjustment
    Patented dual side vent housing design. Reduces vacuum, minimizes possible splashing and direction to the sides.
    The elongated end profile increases the field of view
    A low tension membrane that prevents backflow while minimizing the motor load on the machine
    Minimizes machine vibration
    Disposable for safety
    Designed in the USA
    With CE certificate
    Officially licensed

    Only 1 left in stock

  • Brand: 
    KWADRON OPTIMA GOLD 25/1RLLT 32,80  does not include VAT

    In stock

  • INFINITY NÕELAD 10tk 30/03 RLMT 22,95  does not include VAT

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  • PINO Shower Me! Shower Foam Green Fizz – dušivaht, 75ml 4,90  does not include VAT

    Suurepärane kogemus nii kehale kui ka vaimule läbi kõrgkvaliteetsete taimsete aroomide.

    Dušivaht niisutab ja elustab kogu keha ning jätab nahale märgatava värskuse.

    Naturaalse pH-ga dušivaht on eriti õrna ja pehme puhastava toimega, säilitab ja hoiab ära niiskusekadu naha kaudu.

    Vitamiinirikas baobabiõli kaitseb nahka kuivamise eest ja toidavab sügavuti.

    100% vegan.

    Valmistatud Saksamaal.

    Dermatoloogiliselt testitud.


    Kandke dušivaht otse niiskele nahale, hoidke hetk nahal ning seejärel loputage.

    NB! Loksutage enne kasutamist! Pihusti on surve all. Hoidke lastele kättesaamatus kohas. Kaitske otsese päikesevalguse eest, mitte hoida temperatuuril üle 50 kraadi C.

    Pihustada ei tohi avatud leegile või hõõguvale materjalile. Tühja pakendit ei tohi põletada ega katki teha. Kasutage ainult määratud eesmärgil.

    Only 1 left in stock

  • Permacare Lip Scrub – 10 ml 8,00  does not include VAT

    Only 1 left in stock

  • Unigloves® BLACK LATEX gloves 6,48  does not include VAT

    Black Latex is a hygienic protective glove made of high quality natural latex for use in tattoo studios and the lifestyle industry. The disposable glove has been tested in accordance with the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and European standards EN 374, EN 420 and EN 455. The waterproof material is extremely elastic, durable and protects against viruses, fungi and bacteria. The micro-roughened palm provides excellent grip when using tattoo machines and other tools. The rolled cuff also protects against liquid dripping. With a protein content of less than 50 µg/dm², black latex is particularly gentle even on sensitive skin. This powder-free glove is easy to put on and take off thanks to the strong sleeve. At the same time, it is easy to change thanks to the flexible fit and two-handed design.

    Available in sizes S, M or L
    100 pcs in a package

    👉 You buy 10 boxes of gloves, you get a 10% discount
    👉 You buy 20 boxes of gloves, you get a 20% discount

  • Sale!Limited
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    Unigloves WHITE PEARL® gloves Original price was: 6,15 €.Current price is: 4,99 €. does not include VAT

    The Pearl series glove is a versatile, food-safe hygienic and protective glove made of nitrile. Disposable gloves are used in gastronomy and industry, in hospitals and medical facilities, and in beauty salons and hairdressing salons. The gloves have been tested in accordance with the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and European standards EN 374, EN 420 and EN 455. Pearl material is waterproof, extremely tear-resistant and protects against viruses, fungi and bacteria. The latex-, thiuram- and protein-free glove is also particularly gentle on the skin. Roughened fingertips ensure a firm grip without reducing tactile sensitivity. Its flexible fit makes putting on and taking off the gloves easy and comfortable. The ambidextrous design makes them convenient to use.

    Sizes: S, M or L
    100 pcs in a package

    👉 You buy 10 boxes of gloves, you get a 10% discount
    👉 You buy 20 boxes of gloves, you get a 20% discount

  • Unigloves FANCY® VIOLET gloves 7,30  does not include VAT

    Fancy is not only an expression for something unusual, but also for our FANCY glove. This eye-catching disposable glove is causing a stir in the gastronomy, lifestyle and medical sectors. Its glossy appearance is a highlight for your hands. Of course, the glove complies with the personal protective equipment regulation (EU) 2016/425 and the European standards EN 374, EN 420 and EN 455. The roughened fingertips ensure an optimal grip during use, and two-handed use is provided by the universal fit. The waterproof material not only protects against moisture, but also against viruses, fungi and bacteria. In addition, the FANCY glove is suitable for use with food.

    Sizes S or M - 100 pcs in a package

    👉 You buy 10 boxes of gloves, you get a 10% discount
    👉 You buy 20 boxes of gloves, you get a 20% discount

  • Disposable pink plastic slippers 100 pcs 6,56  does not include VAT

    One-size-fits-all disposable pink plastic slippers in the package. There are 100 pieces in one package. Product protects rooms with a high standard of cleanliness from the spread of dirt and has good durability. Extremely easy to open and use.

    Material: polypropylene

    Only 1 left in stock

  • Disposable pink cord cover for permanent makeup machine 9,84  does not include VAT

    Disposable clip-on permanent make-up appliance cord wraps essential for covering the appliance cord and gguarantees sterility when performing procedures.

    • Disposable product
    • Specially designed for permanent makeup or tattoo machine
    • Hygienic safe plastic material

    In stock

  • Surgical Mask - Profil Plus small size 4,10  does not include VAT

    Like its larger cousin the Profil Plus, the Unigloves Profil Plus Small face mask has the same features and can therefore be used in medicine, industry or private use. The face mask has been tested according to EN 14683 (type II R) and thanks to the 3-fold glass fiber-free filter medium, the bacteria filtering capacity is up to 98%. In this way, the protection of both the user and the environment can be guaranteed. This mask is suitable for a small face due to the smaller size of the mask (also suitable as a children's face mask). The flexible nose clip (nickel-free) allows the mask to be optimally adapted to the nose. Skin-friendly elastic bands (latex-free) ensure a good fit on the head.

    NB! For small heads and faces - Face mask for children

  • A golden brush with a straight tip 4,92  does not include VAT

    The Nine straight tip gold brush - for spreading and blending the paste. Great for drawing fine lines.

    Only 1 left in stock

  • Pink hats 100 pcs 12,30  does not include VAT

    Universal size (diameter 50 cm) knitted disposable hat (so-called silkworm).

    Disposable pink hats, 100 pcs in a pack

    In stock

  • Brush Mileo 4,92  does not include VAT

    The Nine brush mileo, suitable for lamination. The Mileo brush is very convenient for applying henna or color thanks to its slanted tip. The lower eyebrow line and stretches the henna along the hairs inside the eyebrows. The brush has medium length bristles and a thick handle.

    Only 1 left in stock

  • Perma Blend Luxe – Ready Ash pigment 15ml 32,70  does not include VAT

    Perfectly formulated, Ready Ash pigment can be thought of as a lighter, cooler brown, with a touch of warm yellow for the perfect balance. This beautiful eyebrow color is a trendy and natural choice for blondes, brunettes and clients with silver hair.

    Perma Blend Cosmetic pigments for permanent makeup treatments - micropigmentation. Made of micro-particles that ensure durability and perfect color reflection. The consistency of the pigment ensures easy introduction of the dye under the skin, which ensures no corrections.

    The new Luxe pigment series has been developed in accordance with the latest REACH regulations of the European Union, which will be valid from January 4, 2022.

    Application: Eyebrows, eyelashes, lips and corrections such as scars, vitiligo (patchy pigmentation), etc.

    Excellent color reproduction and durability. For use with any method (manually and with a permanent makeup machine). Colors can be mixed together!

    Made in the USA

    You can find the certificate and user manual on the category page.

    Only 1 left in stock

  • Sale!Limited
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    Nuva Colors - Eye pigment 21,60 23,77  does not include VAT

    NUVA COLORS - a new line of high quality pigments for permanent makeup, created with true PMU artists in mind.

    NUVA inks are made from organic powder pigments, water, glycerin, witch hazel and ethanol.

    The skin of the eyelids is particularly sensitive and vascular, so permanent eyeliner makeup requires great precision, experience, professional equipment and special pigments.
    That is why in our offer you will find Nuva Colors Stunning Eyes eyelid pigments, which help to achieve the ideal shape of permanent eyeliner in the desired shade.
    01 TRIPLE BLACK -. Neutral tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4,5,6.
    10 BLACK N PURPLE –  Cold  tone. Use for skin phototypes 2,3,4,5,6.
    11 BLACK N BLUE - Cold shade. Use for skin phototypes 2,3,4,5,6.
    20 BROWN N BLACK - Neutral tone. Use for skin phototypes 2,3,4,5,6.
    25 WARM BROWN - Neutral tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3.

    Store at room temperature in a tightly closed bottle. Before using the pigment, it is necessary to shake the contents of the bottle for at least one minute.

  • Maskclean plastic mask 1pc 2,46  does not include VAT

    The Masklean transparent plastic mask is a patented and innovative product that increases the hygiene level of your business and allows you to interact with customers without hiding your smile. Very convenient to use.

    Let's do iti.e not with medical masks.

    Instructions for use

    – Clean your hands before touching the mask – wash your hands with soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

    – Remove the mask after use

    – Clean your hands again after touching or picking up the mask.


    In stock

  • LOLLIFOAM – VAHT SEEP – 220ML 12,30  does not include VAT

    LOLLIFOAM on peamiselt professionaalne tätoveeringute ja püsimeigi puhastusvahend, kuid kes ütles, et see ei lõhna suurepäraselt? Lollifoam on maasikamaitselise närimiskummi lõhnaga vaht, mis üllatab teid ja teie kliente positiivselt.

    Ideaalne tätoveerimiseks või püsimeigiks, et puhastada nahk liigsest värvist ja vaseliinist ning tänu spetsiaalsetele aloe vera ja nõiapuu ekstraktidele leevendab punetust ja turset.

    Sobiv konsistents hõlbustab katkise naha “pühkimisel” puhastusprotsessi, mis kiirendab valminud tätoveeringu ja meigi paranemist ning takistab kärnade teket.

    Sellel on antibakteriaalsed omadused, mis on nahale väga õrnad.

    220 ml

    Only 1 left in stock

  • Brand: 
    KWADRON® PMU Optima Tattoo Needles 18/1RLLT 31,15  does not include VAT

    Introducing the novelty and revolution of permanent makeup. As a leader in the tattoo industry with years of experience in creating and manufacturing the highest quality needles, we have created a product dedicated to permanent makeup - Kwadron PMU Optima Cartridges.

    Kwadron PMU Optima allows you to make the most perfect permanent makeup. They have a unique system of stabilization of ultra-sharp needles, which ensures their durability and strength. The body is made of medical plastic, which reduces friction between the needle and the body and ensures high work quality. The integrated needle system with tip ensures the highest safety and hygiene standards. Each Kwadron PMU Optima nozzle is packaged in a sterile single-use package.

    KWADRON® PMU OPTIMA CARTRIDGES are compatible with the most popular machines like Icolor Fly and other machines.

    Blade length:
    LT - long taper (7 mm)

    20 pcs in a pack

    In stock

  • Brand: 
    KWADRON CARTRIDGE SYSTEM 35/1 RLLT Original price was: 29,51 €.Current price is: 27,00 €. does not include VAT

    NEEDLES for tattooing and permanent makeup.

    20 pcs in a box

    In stock

  • Brand: 
    KWADRON CARTRIDGE SYSTEM 25/3 RLLT 29,51  does not include VAT

    NEEDLES for tattooing and permanent makeup.

    20 pcs in a box

    In stock

  • Container for needles 8,20  does not include VAT

    Container for used permanent makeup or tattoo needles.

    Available in red and yellow.

  • Yellow pigment cups 500 pcs 8,20  does not include VAT

    Yellow pigment cups 500 pcs

    9mm - small

    13mm - medium


  • Gloves Unigloves FANCY® GOLD 7,30  does not include VAT

    Fancy [ˈfæn(t)si] is not only an expression for something unusual, but also for our FANCY glove. This eye-catching disposable glove is causing a stir in the gastronomy, lifestyle and medical sectors. Its glossy appearance is a highlight for your hands. Of course, the glove complies with the personal protective equipment regulation (EU) 2016/425 and the European standards EN 374, EN 420 and EN 455. The roughened fingertips ensure an optimal grip during use, and two-handed use is provided by the universal fit. The waterproof material not only protects against moisture, but also against viruses, fungi and bacteria. In addition, the FANCY glove is suitable for use with food.

    The Fancy series is available in gold “FANCY GOLD”, silver “FANCY SILVER” in sizes XS to XL, purple “FANCY VIOLET” and rose “FANCY ROSE” in sizes XS to L.

    XS (5.5-6.0), S (6.5-7.0), M (7.5-8.0), L (8.5-9)
    100 pcs in a box

    👉 You buy 10 boxes of gloves, you get a 10% discount
    👉 You buy 20 boxes of gloves, you get a 20% discount

  • Brand: 
    iColor pigment "Raspberry" for lips 10ml 49,18  does not include VAT


    iColor “Raspberry” pigment for lips, which is only suitable for professional use when making permanent makeup.

    Raspberry - bright, cold and rich color. Perfect for an old red tattoo. Can be used on a young woman with neutral and warm skin or mixed for a more juicy effect. A very wearable color.

    iColor pigments are created with the highest grade cosmetic and pharmacological ingredients that do not contain heavy metals, parabens or toxic components. The product is hypoallergenic and vegan friendly.

    Ingredients: Glycerin, Witch Hazel, Aqua, Rosin, Isopropyl Alcohol, Hydantoin, CI:77491, CI:77891, CI:210905, CI:12477

    Quantity: 10ml (5000 EUR/L)

    Only 1 left in stock

  • Brand: 
    iColor pigment "Nude Pink" for lips 10ml 49,18  does not include VAT


    iColor “Nude” pink pigment for lips. This color has a pinkish "nude" effect. It heals on the skin with a medium intensity and is designed to give a natural color to the lips.

    The color is warm, perfect for lips with fillers to correct the contour/shapes that got lighter after fillers. Can be used both separately and as a base for mixtures with lighter pigments.

    The product is only suitable for professional use when making permanent makeup.

    iColor pigments are created with the highest grade cosmetic and pharmacological ingredients that do not contain heavy metals, parabens or toxic components. The product is hypoallergenic and vegan friendly.

    Ingredients: Glycerin, Witch Hazel, Aqua, Rosin, Isopropyl Alcohol, Hydantoin, CI:77491, CI:77492, CI:77891, CI:12477

    Quantity: 10ml (5000 EUR/L)

    Only 2 left in stock

  • Brand: 
    iColor pigment "Golden Blond" for eyebrows 10ml 49,18  does not include VAT


    iColor "Golden Blond" pigment for eyebrows, which is perfect for you and your clients. The product is only intended for professional use when making permanent makeup. The lightest color in the palette, a very safe yellow shade with transparent coverage (needs 5-6 times when used separately). Recommended for natural light - golden blondes with Fitzpatrick skin type 1.

    Can be mixed with: ASH BLONDE for a very neutral blonde tone
    When mixed with dark colors (Black & Brown, Natural Brown, Dark Brown pigments) it reduces the intensity and creates a lighter tone for a dark color.

    iColor pigments are created with the highest grade cosmetic and pharmacological ingredients that do not contain heavy metals, parabens or toxic components. The product is hypoallergenic and vegan friendly.

    Ingredients: Glycerin, Witch Hazel, Aqua, Rosin, Isopropyl Alcohol, Hydantoin, CI:21095, CI:21095, CI:12477, CI:77891

    Quantity: 10ml (5000 EUR/L)

    Only 1 left in stock

  • Brand: 
    iColor pigment "Black and Brown" 10ml 49,18  does not include VAT


    iColor “Black and Brown” pigment for eyebrows and eyes, which is only suitable for professional use when making permanent makeup. Dark black-brown pigment with a yellow-black base and medium heavy coverage. Suitable for all skin types and recommended for (natural) black-brown and/or dark brown eyebrow hairs.

    Can be mixed: when used as a mixture, the pigment gives saturation and depth to TERRA BROWN, NATURAL BROWN shades.

    iColor pigments are created with the highest grade cosmetic and pharmacological ingredients that do not contain heavy metals, parabens or toxic components. The product is hypoallergenic and vegan friendly.

    Ingredients: Glycerin, Witch Hazel, Aqua, Rosin, Isopropyl Alcohol, Hydantoin, CI:77266, CI:21095, CI:12477, CI:77891

    Quantity: 10ml (5000 EUR/L)

    Only 2 left in stock

  • Brand: 
    iColor Fix Premium aftercare product 10ml 32,79  does not include VAT

    iColor Fix Premium is an aftercare product for eyebrows and lips after the permanent makeup procedure. It keeps the pigment under the skin and protects against external factors.

    Thanks to its composition and consistency, iColor FIX preserves pigment particles during the healing process, protects the treatment from external factors and moisturizes the skin. The product immediately creates a water-repellent membrane on the wound, but penetrates the skin and prevents the pigment from dispersing. Ideal for both eyebrows and lips. In addition, thanks to its transparent substance and effect, it allows you to create excellent professional photos of lip care.

    Ingredients: polydimethylsiloxane - Creates a membrane on the wound immediately and blocks the pigment under the skin, protecting it from external agents. It is water repellent but allows the skin to breathe.

    Quantity: 10ml (3500eur/L)

    In stock

  • Brand: 
    iColor sketch pen “Black and Brown” 5,74  does not include VAT

    The iColor "Black and Brown" pencil, size 17.5 cm, is ideal for drawing, shaping and coloring the eyebrow sketch. An ideal tool for any permanent makeup artist to experiment and give clients an idea of the shade and possible result.

    Easy to sharpen with a classic sharpener.

    Only 2 left in stock

  • Brand: 
    iColor Diluent solution 17,95  does not include VAT

    iColor Diluent is a glycerin solution for iColor eyebrow and lip pigments.

    Use: add 2-3 drops of glycerin to 10 drops of pigment; based on the total amount of the procedure.

    Only 1 left in stock


    The color is white
    The length of the writing line is 450 m
    Tip diameter 0.8 mm
    The width of the writing line is 0.6 mm

    Only 2 left in stock

  • Dr. Hedison Peptide Hydrating mask niisutav kangasmask peptiididega 20ml 4,92  does not include VAT

    Mask on valmistatud 100% tselluloosist, mis jääb suurepäraselt naha külge.

    Tencel kangas on uusima põlvkonna keskkonnasõbralik materjal, mis on toodetud puidumassist nanotehnoloogia abil. Materjalil on bakteriostaatilised omadused, see pidurdab bakterite kasvu ning sobib tundliku nahaga inimestele.

    Mask aitab vähendada niiskuse kadu naharakkudes, taastades naha veetasakaalu. Toidab nahka, taastades epidermise barjääri, vähendab kortsude sügavust, taastab  naha tugevuse ja elastsuse.

    Ei sisalda pindaktiivseid aineid, fenoksüetanooli, mineraalõli, bensofenooni, kunstlikke värvaineid.

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    DEFENDERR Vector permanent makeup machine Original price was: 737,70 €.Current price is: 499,00 €. does not include VAT

    The Defenderr Vector permanent makeup machine is unique as it is one of the first wireless PMU devices.

    VECTOR has everything a PMU artist could dream of – a versatile and easy-to-use device that can be adapted to work with any technique.

    The device has a new generation engine developed specifically for the Defender. Thanks to this, the operation of the device is smooth, precise and quiet. The motor is reliably protected against overload, short circuit and overheating during long-term operation.

    Mobility and comfort – By choosing a wireless device, you expand your possibilities by freeing yourself from wires and the limitations associated with them. But the device can work not only with a battery, but also from a standard device through an additional adapter with an RCA connector.

    The product comes with – Device, 2 batteries, RCA adapter, RCA clip cable, charging cable,
    Friction stabilizing O-ring.

    If the desired product is not in stock, we will order it for you separately. Delivery takes about 1-4 weeks. 

    Technical specifications:

    Length: 123 mm
    Weight: 188 g
    Charging time: 2 hours
    Battery life: ~5 hours
    Motor power: 8V
    Voltage: 4-12V
    Gear speed: 6000 rpm
    Adjustable needle: 2.4 mm, 2.7 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.3 mm, 3.6 mm, 3.9 mm, 4.2 mm

    Want to read more? Download the file here

  • Brand: 
    Defenderr tattoo needles 25/03 RLLT (20 pcs) 35,25  does not include VAT

    Defenderr needles 25/03 RLLT, 20 pieces in a pack

    Defender Nano Systems needles are designed for the most demanding permanent makeup artists. Suitable for all popular permanent makeup machines!

    – The tip of the needle is thin and does not interfere with the tattoo artist's field of vision
    – Patented needle stabilization technology «Z – Systems, Long bar fixing lock» ensures perfectly smooth work and allows the user to highlight the finest details.
    – The patented "Ink Flow Cup" system ensures fast ink flow and uniform pigment delivery without splashes.
    – The simplified membrane prevents ink from entering the machine and ensures better needle return.
    – Japanese stainless steel AISI 315L (medical grade).
    – Sterilized with ethylene oxide.

    Needle diameters: 0.18, 0.20, 0.25, 0.27, 0.30, 0.33, 0.35;

    The cartridges use a lightweight membrane to prevent ink from entering the machine and improve needle return. Sterilized with gaseous ethylene oxide. 20 needles in a package!

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  • Brand: 
    Defenderr tattoo needles 25/01 RLHLT (20 pcs) 35,25  does not include VAT

    Defenderr needles 25/01 RLHLT, 20 in a pack

    Defender Nano Systems needles are designed for the most demanding permanent makeup artists. Suitable for all popular permanent makeup machines!

    – The tip of the needle is thin and does not interfere with the tattoo artist's field of vision
    – Patented needle stabilization technology «Z – Systems, Long bar fixing lock» ensures perfectly smooth work and allows the user to highlight the finest details.
    – The patented "Ink Flow Cup" system ensures fast ink flow and uniform pigment delivery without splashes.
    – The simplified membrane prevents ink from entering the machine and ensures better needle return.
    – Japanese stainless steel AISI 315L (medical grade).
    – Sterilized with ethylene oxide.

    Needle diameters: 0.18, 0.20, 0.25, 0.27, 0.30, 0.33, 0.35;

    The cartridges use a lightweight membrane to prevent ink from entering the machine and improve needle return. Sterilized with gaseous ethylene oxide. 20 needles in a package!

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  • Brand: 
    Defenderr INKTEK tattoo needles 25/03 RLMT (20pcs) 35,25  does not include VAT

    Defenderr INKTEK tattoo needles 25/03 RLMT 20 pieces in a pack

    NEW soft membrane needles

    New ergonomic design

    New generation light, specially designed Inktek needles with elastic membrane. Made of high quality silicone.

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  • Brand: 
    Defenderr INKTEK tattoo needles 25/01 RLLT (20pcs) 35,25  does not include VAT

    Defenderr INKTEK tattoo needles 25/01 RLLT 20 pieces in a pack

    NEW soft membrane needles

    New ergonomic design

    New generation light, specially designed Inktek needles with elastic membrane. Made of high quality silicone.

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    Defender Angel's Eyebrows Destiny 20 pigment Original price was: 40,98 €.Current price is: 20,49 €. does not include VAT


    For PMU masters in El. Training pigments should not be used on the skin (Composition according to EU ReSAP 2008, not compatible with REAC.

    Color: light graphite
    Color temperature: neutral
    The best:
    Asian people and people with medium skin tones
    Caucasian people
    brown haired people
    Recommended to mix with light pigments
    Quantity: 15 ml
    Residual after healing: 80-90%
    Shelf life: 2 years
    Made in the USA
    Recommendations for use:
    Work extremely lightly and on the surface
    ❗️It is necessary to shake before use❗️

    Only 1 left in stock

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