Gloves in different sizes (SL, 180 pcs/box)
8,91 €
Black powder-free nitrile gloves suitable for allergy sufferers in a pack of 180 pieces, in different sizes SL. Fit, comfort, intended use, material, durability. Choosing the right gloves is important to protect your customers and yourself and prevent the spread of infection.
Measurements on sizes:
S – (6-7)
M – (7-8)
Sat – (8-9)
Double EU-ce marking according to EU directives 93/42/EEC and 89/686/EEC. Standards: EN 455-1, 2, 3 and 4 en 374-2 EN 374-3 chemical penetration test method EN 388 EN 422.
Recommended use: dentistry, medicine, light industry, tattoo/permanent makeup, cosmetics.
Size | S, M, L |
5 |
0 |
4 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
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Fancy is not only an expression for something unusual, but also for our FANCY glove. This eye-catching disposable glove is causing a stir in the gastronomy, lifestyle and medical sectors. Its glossy appearance is a highlight for your hands. Of course, the glove complies with the personal protective equipment regulation (EU) 2016/425 and the European standards EN 374, EN 420 and EN 455. The roughened fingertips ensure an optimal grip during use, and two-handed use is provided by the universal fit. The waterproof material not only protects against moisture, but also against viruses, fungi and bacteria. In addition, the FANCY glove is suitable for use with food.
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The Pearl series glove is a versatile, food-safe hygienic and protective glove made of nitrile. Disposable gloves are used in gastronomy and industry, in hospitals and medical facilities, and in beauty salons and hairdressing salons. The gloves have been tested in accordance with the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and European standards EN 374, EN 420 and EN 455. Pearl material is waterproof, extremely tear-resistant and protects against viruses, fungi and bacteria. The latex-, thiuram- and protein-free glove is also particularly gentle on the skin. Roughened fingertips ensure a firm grip without reducing tactile sensitivity. Its flexible fit makes putting on and taking off the gloves easy and comfortable. The ambidextrous design makes them convenient to use.
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Desinfektandiga immutatud kiudkangast rätikud alkoholi taluvate meditsiiniseadmete pindade kiirdesinfektsiooniks. Kasutatakse meditsiiniasutustes, laboratooriumides jt. Meitsiiniseadmete Direktiivi 93/42 EEC mõistes meditsiiniseadmete pindade puhastamiseks ja desinfitseerimiseks. Toode on laia fungitsiidse ja bakteritsiidse toimega, hävitab Gram-positiivseid ja Gram-negatiivseid baktereid (sh tuberkuloositekitaja), desaktiveerib nii ümbrisega (sh HBV, HIV, HCV, Vaccinia, Herpes simplex) kui ka ümbriseta viirusi (sh Adeno, Rota) ja seeni. Tootes sisalduv desinfektant hävitab pinnal olnud bakterid ning loob bakterite kasvuks ebasoodsa keskkonna. Toode on materjalisõbralik, ei jäta pindadele ebemeid ega muuda pinna visuaalset väljanägemist. pH 6,5–7,5. oode vastab EN 1040, EN 13727, EN 1275, EN 13624, EN 14348 nõuetele.
Only 2 left in stock
Värvitu nahasõbralik antiseptikum Cutasept F laiaulatusliku ja kiire toimeajaga.
- pikaajaline efekt
- suurepärane nahasobivus
- bakteritsiidne, pärmseente vastane, tuberkulotsiidne, virutsiidne
- ei sobi suurte lahtiste haavade ja limaskestade desinfektsiooniks
- toimeaeg alates 15 sekundit
- rasunäärmete rikkas piirkonnas 2 minutit
- 250 ml
Sobib kasutamiseks enne nahka läbistavaid protseduure, kus pihusti suunata otse desinfitseeritavale kohale, kindlustades sellega naha ühtlase märgumise.
Biotsiidi registreerimistunnistuse nr. 0843/11
100 g lahuse kohta: Propaan-2-ool 63.0 g (72 vol. %), Bensalkooniumkloriid 0.025 g. Teised ained: puhastatud vesi.
Only 2 left in stock
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