iColor Tester Set
53,30 € does not include VAT
Komplekt sisaldab 10 minipigmenti huultele, kulmudele ja silmadele, igaüks 1,5 ml
Black Star silmadele, mis sobivad suurepäraselt ripsmete parandamiseks ja silmade varjutamiseks.
Chic Brown — sügavpruun küllastunud pigment kulmudele brünettidele või segudele.
Luksuslik brünett — šokolaadipruun kulmudele, parem kasutada vananenud või väga noorel nahal. Ideaalsed juukselöökide jaoks, tänuväärsed mineraalvärvid näevad selles pigmendivarjutuses õhulisemad välja.
Naturaalne brünett – kõige universaalsem värv brünettidele ja blondidele juustele.
Dark Coffee — soe kohvipruun värv, mis sobib ideaalselt oliiviõli, kollase nahaga puhtal kujul.
Piimjaspruun — armas värv blondi juustega naisele ja eakale naisele — ja armas segu on LUXURIOS BRUNETTE BRUNETTE + MILKY BROWN
Stiilne Nude – roosa varjundiga nude naturaalsetele huultele – ideaalne segude põhivärviks.
Rosa Créme — rahulik sügavpunane värv, mis sobib kõikidele naistele.
Flower Mousse — ideaalne soe korallipigment külmadele või neutraalsetele huultele, jumalad segudes STYLISH NUDE’iga.
Valkiria — ahvatlev värv, sobib suurepäraselt koos teiste pigmentidega.
Black Star
CI 77266, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Chic Brown
CI 561170, CI 56300, CI77266, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Luxurious Brunette
CI 77266, CI 56300, CI77491, PEG-8, Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Natural Brunette
CI 561170, CI 56300, CI77266, CI77491, PEG-8, Aqua,Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Dark Coffee
CI 561170, CI 56300, CI77266, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Milky Brown
CI 561170, CI 56300, CI77266, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Stylish Nude
CI 56110, CI 56300, CI 561170, CI 77891, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
CI 56110, CI 561170, CI 56300, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Flower Mousse
CI 56110, CI 561170, CI 56300, PEG-8, Distilled Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol
Aqua, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, CI 56110, CI 561170, CI 56300, CI 77499, PEG-8
See komplekt sisaldab 10 REACH LINE’i minipigmenti kulmudele, silmadele ja huultele. Ideaalne pakkumine uute värvide proovimiseks.
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Only 1 left in stock
Permanent lip makeup is the perfect way to emphasize the natural beauty of your clients. Thanks to Nuva Colors, you will discover unlimited possibilities and feel how pleasant working with pigments can be.
Lip pigments:
155 WICKED RED - Pigment for lips. Cool tone. Use for skin phototypes 2,3,4
175 RUSSIAN RED - Pigment for lips. Cool tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4
180 LIPSTICK RED – Pigment for lips. Warm tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4,5,6
185 SUNRIED TOMATO - Pigment for lips. Warm tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4,5,6
190 PINK BLUSH - Pigment for lips. Cool tone. Use for skin phototypes 3,4,5
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200 WILD PINK – Pigment for lips. Cool tone. Use for skin phototypes 2,3,4
205 CRUSHED BERRIES - Lip pigment. Cool tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4
210 ROSE PINK – Pigment for lips. Cool tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4
215 PINK MAUVE – Pigment for lips. cool tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4
220 PINKY SWEAR - Pigment for lips. Neutral tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4,5
225 TICKLE ME PINK - Pigment for lips. Neutral tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4
230 SPRING PINK – Pigment for lips. Neutral tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4
235 LIGHT PONY – Pigment for lips. Neutral tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4
Store at room temperature in a tightly closed bottle. Before using the pigment, it is necessary to shake the contents of the bottle for at least one minute.
iColor "Golden Blond" pigment for eyebrows, which is perfect for you and your clients. The product is only intended for professional use when making permanent makeup. The lightest color in the palette, a very safe yellow shade with transparent coverage (needs 5-6 times when used separately). Recommended for natural light - golden blondes with Fitzpatrick skin type 1.
Can be mixed with: ASH BLONDE for a very neutral blonde tone
When mixed with dark colors (Black & Brown, Natural Brown, Dark Brown pigments) it reduces the intensity and creates a lighter tone for a dark color.
iColor pigments are created with the highest grade cosmetic and pharmacological ingredients that do not contain heavy metals, parabens or toxic components. The product is hypoallergenic and vegan friendly.
Ingredients: Glycerin, Witch Hazel, Aqua, Rosin, Isopropyl Alcohol, Hydantoin, CI:21095, CI:21095, CI:12477, CI:77891
Quantity: 10ml (5000 EUR/L)
iColor “Natural Brown” pigment, which is only suitable for professional use when making permanent makeup. A neutral perfect brown color with a balance of yellow-black-red (maroon tone) tones and covers with medium strength. After the procedure, the color change depends on the client's skin warmth level. The colder the skin tone, the grayer the color when healing.
The most popular color for women with brown hair and brunettes. The product is suitable for all skin types.
Suitable for the following techniques: powder filling, shading, hair pulling technique.
The product can be mixed with the following shades: the pigment can be made warmer with DARK BLOND pigment, redder-warmer with BRONZA corrector or darker with BLACK & BROWN, DEEP BROWN colors. The product is optimized for subtle shade and soft powder effects and hair pulling techniques.
The result is a versatile portfolio of pigmentation techniques with all colors in the palette. Properties: the color remains stable over time. Pigments easily penetrate the skin, spread evenly.
iColor pigments are created with the highest grade cosmetic and pharmacological ingredients that do not contain heavy metals, parabens or toxic components. The product is hypoallergenic and vegan friendly.
Ingredients: Glycerin, Witch Hazel, Aqua, Rosin, Isopropyl Alcohol, Hydantoin, CI:21095, CI:77266, CI:12477, CI:77891
Quantity: 10ml (5000 EUR/L)
iColor “Terra Brown” pigment, which is only suitable for professional use when making permanent makeup.
A beautiful brown shade with a yellow-green base and medium coverage. Suitable for warm (red), neutral and cool skin. Can be used on medium dark blonde to light brown hair/skin types. Suitable for light red shade coverage on Fitzpatrick skin type 2.
Can mix: mixing with darker shades like DEEP BROWN, BLACK & BROWN, NATURAL BROWN makes the darker shade softer. The pigment can be made warmer with brown.
iColor pigments are created with the highest grade cosmetic and pharmacological ingredients that do not contain heavy metals, parabens or toxic components. The product is hypoallergenic and vegan friendly.
Ingredients: Glycerin, Virginia witch hazel, Aqua, Rosin, Isopropyl alcohol, Hydantoin, CI:77266, CI:21095, CI:12477, CI:177891
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