DEFENDERR Ruby permanent makeup machine

“RUBY” on võimas ja manööverdatav seade, mis suudab võita iga meistri südame. Vahetatavaid ekstsentrikut on 7 tüüpi, mis muudavad seadme professionaali käes mitmekülgseks tööriistaks.
“RUBY” loodi kunstnikele, kes ei jää kunagi oma arengus paigale ja soovivad omada masinat, mis on võimeline looma meistriteoseid nii PMU kui ka tätoveeringu vallas.
“RUBY” on kulumaterjalide osas mitmekülgne: selle jaoks sobivad kõik klassikalised kasseti nõelad ja standardsed toiteallikad, millel on võimalus ühendada RCA-kaabel.
Kõik seitse ekstsentrikut on kindlalt seadme korpusesse sisse ehitatud, nii et neid saab mugavalt otse seadmel reguleerida.
Technical specifications:
Length: 118 mm
Weight: 165 g
Gross weight: 267 g
Motor power: 5 W
Voltage: up to 10V
Gear speed: 8000 rpm
Adjustable needle: 2.4 mm, 2.7 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.3 mm, 3.9 mm, 4.2 mm
Connection: RCA (click included)
Värvid: Must, Hall
Materjal: Aviation-Alumiinium Hooldus: 1 aasta
Design in USA
Color | Black, Grey |
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Võimas ja turvaline.
Stiilne ja mugav.
Kõik see on kaasaegne impulss-toiteplokk DEFEDERR PS-8.
Suurepärane valik algajatele ning usaldusväärne abiline tätoveeringute ja püsimeigi professionaalidele.
Technical specifications:
Sisendpinge: 100-240V
Maksimaalne vool: 4A
Pidev vool: 2 A
Pinge reguleerimine vahemikus: 1,5 – 18 V.
Pinge muutumise samm: 0,1V
Korpuse materjal: alumiinium
Kaal: 235 g.
Täielik komplekt: toiteplokk, adapter, juhe.
Karbi kaal: 785 g.
Tootja garantii: 1 aasta.
Disainitud USA-s.
DEFENDER PS-8 on mitmekülgne toiteallikas.
Ühildub kõigi induktsioon- ja pöörlemismasinatega.
Jump-start funktsioon võimaldab teil kasutada kõrge käivituspingega masinaid.
Saab juhtida pedaaliga või ilma.
Säilitab standardse 1/4 klambri juhtme ja pedaali pistikud.
DEFENDER PS-8 on lihtne kasutada.
Sellel on puutetundliku ekraani liides koos värvide visualiseerimise ja suure, hõlpsasti loetava fontiga.
Värviteema muutub võimsuse muutudes.
Ekraanil kuvatakse kõik vajalikud parameetrid: volt, amper, töötsükkel ja reguleerimisnäidikud.
DEFENDER PS-8 on igati mugav.
Võimalus on ühendada kaks masinat korraga.
Sellel on sisseehitatud reaalajas kell ja tunnitasuga seansiloendur.
Magnetiga silikoonpõhi võimaldab seda hästi fikseerida nii siledatel kui metallpindadel.
DEFENDER PS-8 on teie seadmetele ohutu.
See on varustatud sisseehitatud lühise- ja ülekuumenemiskaitsega.
Toiteallikal on puhkerežiimi funktsioon, mis lülitub automaatselt sisse pärast 5-minutilist tegevusetust.
Võimalik tellida järeltellimusega
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Microbeau Xion S is the permanent makeup version
FK Irons Xion
. It has been developed and tested in collaboration with permanent makeup artists. Compared to the Xion, the Xion Sl has a smaller handle and a shorter stroke (1.8 or 2.5 mm). The smaller handle has a comfortable and ergonomic design and is better suited to the way PMU artists are used to working. In addition, it is compatible with all tattoo cartridges and is easy to cover and handle. The short stroke length is optimal for the smaller needles and higher speeds typically used for PMU.
The powerful 6-watt MotorBolt is specially designed for the Microbeau and ensures optimal performance from your cartridges, providing maximum torque throughout the session. For greater reliability, the RCA connection is hidden inside the MotorBolt. The Xion S has adjustable stroke length, needle depth and give (softness) so it can be fine-tuned to your preferences and needs. The Xion S gives you full control over your machine and is therefore suitable for many permanent makeup styles.
Main features:
Color: Frost
Adjustable dial (up to 2 mm): simply turn the dial to adjust.
Adjustable needle depth thanks to the Xion S click handle.
Adjustable travel length - comes with 2.5mm and 1.8mm travel wheels.
Ergonomic profile that makes it easy to handle and cover.
Specially designed 6 watt motor bolt.
Concealed RCA connection.
Autoclavable tapered handle.
Compatible with all Cheyenne type cartridges.
transport 1-3 weeks
Only 1 left in stock
FK Irons' DarkLab Lightning Bolt is a wireless battery that attaches to your permanent makeup machine via an RCA connection and offers up to 10 hours of use on a single charge.
The Lighting Bolt battery pack helps reduce clutter in your workspace by eliminating the need for cables. It also comes with a wireless foot switch (sold separately).
The DarkLab Lightning Bolt offers Bluetooth connectivity, allowing you to pair the battery with other DarkLab wireless products, as well as its mobile app. Over-the-air firmware updates also mean the Lightning Bolt is future-proof and compatible with future PMU machines from DarkLab's sister brands.
Weighing in at just 58 grams, the FK Irons Lightning Bolt battery has a lightweight design that ensures it won't leave your PMU machine feeling super heavy during use.
The Lightning Bolt features a Li-Ion battery with a USB-C connection, which provides fast charging speeds of up to 1.5 amps when using DarkLab's USB power packs. The wireless battery pack also has an LED indicator for battery capacity and voltage.
Main features:
Single Pack - x 1 pc
Provides up to 10 hours of work on a single charge
Attaches to PMU machine via RCA connection - no wires/cables required
Wireless foot switch enabled (sold separately)
Bluetooth Connectivity – Can be paired with DarkLab wireless products and mobile app
Future-proof - wireless firmware updates for future compatibility
Weight: 58 g
Fast charging speed up to 1.5A with DarkLab USB power supplies
Lithium-ion battery with USB-C connection
Battery capacity and voltage LED indicator
transport 1-3 weeks
Only 1 left in stock
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