• Perma Blend Luxe – Ready Dark 15ml 39,89 

    Toon tumedam kui Ready Medium, see kulmuvärv tagab vajaliku kontrasti keskmise melaniinirikka nahaga või täiusliku täiustuse loomuliku tumedama kulmu jaoks. Koostis inspireeritud sooja kollase alatooniga; see tagab täiusliku tasakaalu enamiku jahedate nahatüüpidega. Segab hästi Ready Medium ja Ready Darkest värvi mitmekülgsuse ja võib kasutada silmalainerina.

    The new Luxe pigment series has been developed in accordance with the latest REACH regulations of the European Union, which will be valid from January 4, 2022.

    Perma Blend Cosmetic Pigments - pigments for permanent makeup treatments - micropigmentation. Made of micro-particles that ensure durability and perfect color reflection. The consistency of the pigment ensures easy introduction of the dye under the skin, which ensures no corrections.

    Application: Eyebrows, eyelashes, lips and corrections such as scars, vitiligo (patchy pigmentation), etc.

    Excellent color reproduction and durability. For use with any method (manually and with a permanent makeup machine). Colors can be mixed together!

    Made in the USA

    You can find the certificate and user manual on the category page.

    In stock

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