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    NEW! Defenderr Infinity wireless permanent makeup machine 488,00 677,10 

    NEW! Defenderr Infinity wireless permanent makeup machine

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    DEFENDERR Vector permanent makeup machine Original price was: 899,99 €.Current price is: 462,38 €.

    The Defenderr Vector permanent makeup machine is unique as it is one of the first wireless PMU devices.

    VECTOR has everything a PMU artist could dream of – a versatile and easy-to-use device that can be adapted to work with any technique.

    The device has a new generation engine developed specifically for the Defender. Thanks to this, the operation of the device is smooth, precise and quiet. The motor is reliably protected against overload, short circuit and overheating during long-term operation.

    Mobility and comfort – By choosing a wireless device, you expand your possibilities by freeing yourself from wires and the limitations associated with them. But the device can work not only with a battery, but also from a standard device through an additional adapter with an RCA connector.

    The product comes with – Device, 2 batteries, RCA adapter, RCA clip cable, charging cable,
    Friction stabilizing O-ring.

    If the desired product is not in stock, we will order it for you separately. Delivery takes about 1-4 weeks. 

    Technical specifications:

    Length: 123 mm
    Weight: 188 g
    Charging time: 2 hours
    Battery life: ~5 hours
    Motor power: 8V
    Voltage: 4-12V
    Gear speed: 6000 rpm
    Adjustable needle: 2.4 mm, 2.7 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.3 mm, 3.6 mm, 3.9 mm, 4.2 mm

    Want to read more? Download the file here

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    Defenderr FENIX S PRO Original price was: 486,78 €.Current price is: 379,42 €.

    juhtmevaba seade reguleeritava nõelakäiguga, mis on varustatud uuendusliku mootoriga.

    Mitmekülgne seade püsimeigi ja minitätoveeringute tegemiseks.

    Peamised eelised:
    b SMP režiim: mõeldud peanaha mikropigmentatsiooniks ja juuste simuleerimiseks peanahal. Reguleeritav löögisagedus vahemikus 001 kuni 999H
    b Maksimaalne tõhusus: suudab aku täielikult laadida kuni 100% vaid 1,5 tunnigaH
    b Mälurežiim: võimaldab salvestada kohandatud pingeseadeid erinevatele aladele (huuled, kulmud, silmalaud)H
    b Autonoomia: suur 2000 mAh aku võimaldab kauem töötada ilma laadimist vajamata.
    b Reguleeritav nõelakäik: seade ühendab lühikese käigu ja hübriidfunktsioonid, pakkudes kuut nõela tõmbevõimalust.

    Peamised spetsifikatsioonid
    Valmistatud kvaliteetsest alumiiniumist, mis ühendab kerguse ja vastupidavuse.

    Suure efektiivsusega liitiumaku polümeer, mis tagab pikema tööaja.

    Pikkus 133,5 mm

    Käepideme läbimõõt 23 mm

    Kaal 137G

    Nõela löök 2,0, 2,2, 2,5, 2,8, 3,1, 3,5 mm

    Pinge 5-12 V

    Pöörlemiskiirus 12000 pööret minutis

    Разъем RCA


    Materjal Akumiinium

    Garantii 1aasta

    Disainitud sisse USA

    Aku tüüp Polümeerliitiumaku

    Aku mahutavus 2000 mAh

    Laadimisaeg 1,5H

    Laadimiskaabel Tüüp-C

    Pöördemoment 207 g·cm


    Available on back-order

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    NEW! Defender Onyx Air Original price was: 610,00 €.Current price is: 450,18 €.

    NEW! Defender Onyx Air


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    DEFENDERR Ruby permanent makeup machine

    “RUBY” on võimas ja manööverdatav seade, mis suudab võita iga meistri südame. Vahetatavaid ekstsentrikut on 7 tüüpi, mis muudavad seadme professionaali käes mitmekülgseks tööriistaks.

    “RUBY” loodi kunstnikele, kes ei jää kunagi oma arengus paigale ja soovivad omada masinat, mis on võimeline looma meistriteoseid nii PMU kui ka tätoveeringu vallas.

    “RUBY” on kulumaterjalide osas mitmekülgne: selle jaoks sobivad kõik klassikalised kasseti nõelad ja standardsed toiteallikad, millel on võimalus ühendada RCA-kaabel.

    Kõik seitse ekstsentrikut on kindlalt seadme korpusesse sisse ehitatud, nii et neid saab mugavalt otse seadmel reguleerida.

    Technical specifications:

    Length: 118 mm
    Weight: 165 g
    Gross weight: 267 g
    Motor power: 5 W
    Voltage: up to 10V
    Gear speed: 8000 rpm
    Adjustable needle: 2.4 mm, 2.7 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.3 mm, 3.9 mm, 4.2 mm
    Connection: RCA (click included)
    Värvid: Must, Hall
    Materjal: Aviation-Alumiinium Hooldus: 1 aasta
    Design in USA

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    IRON S on mitmekülgne seade, mis on mõeldud meistritele, kes on harjunud töötama tõsiste ja võimsate seadmetega.

    Keskmine nõela tõmme on 3,5 mm, mis võimaldab seda kasutada nii microbladingu kui ka varjutamise tehnikas. Seade on piisavalt võimas ka tätoveeringute tegemiseks.

    Meistrid, kes ei eelista lühikest nõelatõmmet ja väikest nõela, on sellest seadmest täiesti üllatunud ja valivad selle iga püsimeigi tehnika jaoks.


    Seade on varustatud väikese inertsiga mootoriga, mis on spetsiaalselt välja töötatud DEFENDERRI jaoks.
    Erinevalt raudsüdamikuga mootoritest on madala inertsiga mootoritel rootori inerts madalam. Lisaks on elektrimootoritel vähenenud vibratsiooni- ja müratase ning parem juhitavus.


    IRON S on ühendanud kõik kaasaegsete püsimeigiseadmete turu parimad arengud:

    • Väike ja kerge disain koos võimsa mootoriga.
    • Laitmatu juhitavus ja kontroll töö ajal.
    • Pehme ja samal ajal stabiilne nõelatõmme selgete ja kindlate joonte jaoks.
    • Mugav ja ergonoomiline korpus, mis muudab selle kasutamise lihtsaks
    • Eemaldatav keeratav hoidik steriliseerimiseks.
    • Täielikult demonteeritav disain hooldus- ja asendusdetailide jaoks.
    • Koos Defenderr Nano Systemsi kassettidega on pigmendi kontsentratsioon lausa 70%.

    Tehnilised andmed

    Nõela käik: 3,5 mm
    Mootori võimsus: 5W
    Tööpinge: kuni 10 V
    Pöörlemiskiirus: 8000 p/min
    Pikkus: 112mm
    Kaal: 150g
    Pistik: RCA
    Garantii: 1 aasta
    Designed in the USA
    Korpus: õhusõidukiga kaetud alumiinium
    Värvid: Stealth, Gunmetal, Chromium, Pink
    Täielik komplekt: Seade, toitekaabel

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    DEFENDERR FENIX S Wireless Original price was: 474,58 €.Current price is: 328,18 €.

    Length 136 mm
    Holder diameter 76 mm
    Weight 210 g
    Short stroke hybrid
    Motor power 8 V
    Voltage 4 to 12 V
    Rotational speed 6500 rpm
    Colors Stealth, Gunmetal, Red
    Material aircraft grade aluminum
    Warranty and maintenance service 1 year
    Engine v10 max
    Designed in the USA

    Changeable stroke 2.8-3.5

    The device works with both a cord and a battery

    Meet the new Fenix multifunction machine🔥

    As of today, this is Defenderr's most powerful wireless gadget with some serious advanced features.

    This bad boy has an SMP mode that lets you destroy micropigmentation on the skin and customize it for lips, brows, and lids. All in all, it empowers the artist to develop their own Fenix for any permanent makeup technique. This thing is a game changer in the ink world.

    Controlled body geometry. Soft and at the same time uniform Short line for clear and confident lines.

    Compatible with all classic modular pins and popular power supplies with RCA connectors.

    Thanks to the use of replaceable cartridges, all biological fluids, as well as paint, remain inside the cartridge without getting into it.

    Quality assembly
    Fully collapsible design for maintenance and replacement of any element.

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    DEFENDERR FENIX Wireless Original price was: 450,18 €.Current price is: 315,98 €.


    Length 136 mm
    Holder diameter 76 mm
    Weight 210 g
    Short stroke hybrid

    Can be used with cord and battery.

    Needle stroke 2.38
    Motor power 8 V
    Voltage 4 to 12 V
    Rotational speed 6500 rpm
    Colors Stealth, Gunmetal, Green
    Material aircraft grade aluminum
    Warranty and maintenance service 1 year
    Engine v10 max

    Thanks to its powerful motor, the DIAMOND device draws clear and uniform lines, making it the ideal tool for hair technology.

    The main weight of the machine is concentrated in the center of the body to work for a long time without the slightest strain.

    Even pixels when sprayed on powdered brows

    Minimal injury when working with the eye area

    Even color on the lips

    Perfectly clear lines, hairs and contours

  • Brand: 
    DEFENDERR Diamond permanent makeup machine

    DIAMOND – a universal permanent makeup machine suitable for any permanent makeup technique and compatible with most popular modules.

    It is based on the innovative German engine of the well-known Faulhaber company, which allows the user to feel confident while working on any skin area.
    Perfect pixels for a powder eyebrow tattoo; Low risk of eye injury (lash strengthening); Even lip coverage; Flawless fine lines, single hairs and contoured tattoo.

    The main advantages are a modern powerful motor, calibrated balance and no noise or vibration.

    Needle bar kick. A short stroke of 2.5 mm allows for strong coverage at high speed with minimal risk of skin damage.

    Power. The updated motor allows the DIAMOND machine to draw even more precise and smooth lines, making it the perfect tool for microblading.

    Balance. The focus of the weight of the machine is in the middle of the body, which allows the user to feel no muscle strain for a long time. The body of the ergonomic machine fits perfectly into the hand of the tattoo artist and becomes an integral part of it.

    Technical specifications:

    Length: 118 mm
    Weight: 165 g
    Gross weight: 267 g
    Motor power: 5 W
    Voltage: up to 10V
    Gear speed: 8000 rpm
    Adjustable needle: 2.4 mm, 2.7 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.3 mm, 3.9 mm, 4.2 mm
    Connection: RCA (click included)
    Colors: Black, Brown
    Material: Aviation-Aluminium
    Design in USA

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