Not sure which machine to choose? Write to us and drop by our Ülenurme studio to try the machine yourself. It's completely free to try!
Only 2 left in stock
Brand: MastDragonhawk Wireless Tattoo Pen Machine with 7 Stroke Lengths | Fold Pro (2 Batteries ver.)
348,92 €Original price was: 348,92 €.298,90 €Current price is: 298,90 €.Only 2 left in stock
Brand: DEFENDERNEW! Defenderr Infinity wireless permanent makeup machine 488,00 € – 677,10 €
NEW! Defenderr Infinity wireless permanent makeup machine
Tellimisega 3-4 nädalat
Available on back-order
Brand: DEFENDERDEFENDERR Vector permanent makeup machine
899,99 €Original price was: 899,99 €.462,38 €Current price is: 462,38 €.The Defenderr Vector permanent makeup machine is unique as it is one of the first wireless PMU devices.
VECTOR has everything a PMU artist could dream of – a versatile and easy-to-use device that can be adapted to work with any technique.
The device has a new generation engine developed specifically for the Defender. Thanks to this, the operation of the device is smooth, precise and quiet. The motor is reliably protected against overload, short circuit and overheating during long-term operation.
Mobility and comfort – By choosing a wireless device, you expand your possibilities by freeing yourself from wires and the limitations associated with them. But the device can work not only with a battery, but also from a standard device through an additional adapter with an RCA connector.
The product comes with – Device, 2 batteries, RCA adapter, RCA clip cable, charging cable,
Friction stabilizing O-ring.If the desired product is not in stock, we will order it for you separately. Delivery takes about 1-4 weeks.
Technical specifications:
Length: 123 mm
Weight: 188 g
Charging time: 2 hours
Battery life: ~5 hours
Motor power: 8V
Voltage: 4-12V
Gear speed: 6000 rpm
Adjustable needle: 2.4 mm, 2.7 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.3 mm, 3.6 mm, 3.9 mm, 4.2 mmWant to read more? Download the file here
Mast Tour Rotary Pen Machine Wireless Battery Kits
183,00 €Original price was: 183,00 €.158,60 €Current price is: 158,60 €.Mast Touri tätoveerimismasin on väikseim masin, mida saab hõlpsasti kotti panna. See tätoveerimismasin on mõeldud reisimiseks ja vajab lihtsaid tätoveerijaid.
LED valgus töötab. See tätoveerimismasina raamiosa on käepidemest eraldi. Puhastage tätoveerimismasina raami lihtsalt. Ja käepide on autoklaavitav. Õmblusteta raam, mis kaitseb masina sisemust.
Pliiatsi stiilis pöörlev tätoveerimismasin nõelakassettidega kasutamiseks. Ühildub kõigi tavaliste tätoveeringu toiteallikatega. Masinaraamid on valmistatud kvaliteetsest alumiiniumist tugevatest varrastest, seejärel poleeritud ja anodeeritud ning lasergraveeritud logoga.
Käepidet on ohutu autoklaavis steriliseerida. Pöörake käepidet selle eemaldamiseks või nõela sügavuse reguleerimiseks. Masina keremehhanismis oli kvaliteetne roostevabast terasest vedru. Spetsiaalne mehhanism teeb hea otselöögi kokku piisava pehmusega. Ideaalne masin igasugusteks töödeks. Vooder, peentäpptöö, värviline pakkimine, varjutus, must ja hall realistlik
Technical specifications:
Masina läbimõõt: 25 mm
Masina pikkus: 85 mm
Käigu pikkus: 3,5 mm
Kiirus: 8V/9000rpm
Only 1 left in stock
Brand: MastDragonhawk WQP-208 Cordless Tattoo Machine Pen 108,58 €
Toote funktsioon
Täpselt valmistatud kvaliteetsest alumiiniumisulamist, tagades vastupidavuse ja pikaealisuse. Ergonoomiline disain mugavaks haardeks, mis vähendab käte väsimust pikemate tätoveerimisseansside ajal.
Täpne kiiruse reguleerimine võimaldab mitmekülgset jõudlust. Reguleeritav nõela sügavus tagab täpse ja ühtlase tulemuse, mis vastab erinevate tätoveerimistehnikate nõudmistele.
Varustatud vaikse mootoriga, pakkudes peaaegu vaikset töökeskkonda nii tätoveerijale kui ka kliendile. See funktsioon parandab üldist tätoveerimiskogemust.
Laske oma loovus valla ilma nöörideta. See juhtmevaba tätoveeringupliiats pakub liikumisvabadust, võimaldades tätoveerimise ajal sujuvat manööverdamist.
Sobib paljude tätoveerimisstiilide jaoks, sealhulgas vooderdamiseks, varjutamiseks ja värvimiseks. Ideaalne nii professionaalsetele tätoveerijatele kui ka entusiastidele, kes otsivad täpsust ja mitmekülgsust.Only 2 left in stock
486,78 €Original price was: 486,78 €.379,42 €Current price is: 379,42 €.FENIX S PRO —
juhtmevaba seade reguleeritava nõelakäiguga, mis on varustatud uuendusliku mootoriga.Rakendus
Mitmekülgne seade püsimeigi ja minitätoveeringute tegemiseks.Peamised eelised:
b SMP režiim: mõeldud peanaha mikropigmentatsiooniks ja juuste simuleerimiseks peanahal. Reguleeritav löögisagedus vahemikus 001 kuni 999H
b Maksimaalne tõhusus: suudab aku täielikult laadida kuni 100% vaid 1,5 tunnigaH
b Mälurežiim: võimaldab salvestada kohandatud pingeseadeid erinevatele aladele (huuled, kulmud, silmalaud)H
b Autonoomia: suur 2000 mAh aku võimaldab kauem töötada ilma laadimist vajamata.
b Reguleeritav nõelakäik: seade ühendab lühikese käigu ja hübriidfunktsioonid, pakkudes kuut nõela tõmbevõimalust.Peamised spetsifikatsioonid
Valmistatud kvaliteetsest alumiiniumist, mis ühendab kerguse ja vastupidavuse.Suure efektiivsusega liitiumaku polümeer, mis tagab pikema tööaja.
Pikkus 133,5 mm
Käepideme läbimõõt 23 mm
Kaal 137G
Nõela löök 2,0, 2,2, 2,5, 2,8, 3,1, 3,5 mm
Pinge 5-12 V
Pöörlemiskiirus 12000 pööret minutis
Разъем RCA
Materjal Akumiinium
Garantii 1aasta
Disainitud sisse USA
Aku tüüp Polümeerliitiumaku
Aku mahutavus 2000 mAh
Laadimisaeg 1,5H
Laadimiskaabel Tüüp-C
Pöördemoment 207 g·cm
Available on back-order
Brand: iColoriColor FLY püsimeigi aparaat 450,06 € – 949,89 €
Patenteeritud kaheastmeline mehhanism (iColori meeskonna insenertehniline arendus) hoiab ära kõik tühikäigul olevad torked ja tagab nõela tagasituleku. USALDUSVÄÄRSNE TEHNOLOOGIASwiss Faulhaber 15V mootor genereerib võimsa impulsi, samas kui integreeritud silumissiiber tagab õrna torke.Mootorikapsel kaitseb ohutult kõiki osi, muutes seadme löögi- ja vedelikekindel Ekraan, millel on mehaanilised nupud, taustvalgustus ja nutikas mälu teie lemmikkiiruste kohta Kuldsete kontaktidega pistik tagab ühtlase ja katkematu vooluvarustuse. Seadme kõik komponendid on käsitsi sepistatud ja läbinud sisemise kvaliteedikontrolli
Brand: DEFENDERNEW! Defender Onyx Air
610,00 €Original price was: 610,00 €.450,18 €Current price is: 450,18 €.NEW! Defender Onyx Air
Spectra Xion Mini 655,01 € – 1090,00 €
Xion Mini
Designed with 2.5mm travel, ready to wear on all skin types – right out of the box.
It's lightweight - just 87 grams - and its proprietary Darklab motor delivers consistent power with virtually no vibration.
Compact and ergonomic design that reduces hand fatigue
Built-in “click” handle adjustment system for needle depth
Darklab's patented motor with virtually no vibration
eGive and Siri voice control capabilities through the Darklab app via the Airbolt Mini wireless solution
Compatible with standard membrane cartridges
RCA connectivityAirbolt Mini
Pair the Xion Mini with our wireless solution - the Airbolt Mini - and experience a whole new sense of freedom. With up to 10 hours of use, it can power any machine with your choice of cables and connectors. Weighing only 79g (2.8oz), the Airbolt Mini is travel-friendly and has a built-in anti-slip magnetic pad for stability.
Weight: (79 g)
6mm x 48mm x 24mm
Battery life up to 10 hours, depending on voltage.
Built-in anti-slip magnetic pad.
Several wearable and mounting accessories will be available soon for additional support.
Easy to protect from bag/barrier.
eGive capabilities in the Darklab app via Bluetooth.
The only power supply on the market that can be connected to any machine, with the cables or connectors of your choice.Transport 1-3 weeks
Brand: DEFENDERPower Supply PS-8 Defenderr 300,00 €
Võimas ja turvaline.
Stiilne ja mugav.
Kõik see on kaasaegne impulss-toiteplokk DEFEDERR PS-8.
Suurepärane valik algajatele ning usaldusväärne abiline tätoveeringute ja püsimeigi professionaalidele.
Technical specifications:
Sisendpinge: 100-240V
Maksimaalne vool: 4A
Pidev vool: 2 A
Pinge reguleerimine vahemikus: 1,5 – 18 V.
Pinge muutumise samm: 0,1V
Korpuse materjal: alumiinium
Kaal: 235 g.
Täielik komplekt: toiteplokk, adapter, juhe.
Karbi kaal: 785 g.
Tootja garantii: 1 aasta.
Disainitud USA-s.
DEFENDER PS-8 on mitmekülgne toiteallikas.
Ühildub kõigi induktsioon- ja pöörlemismasinatega.
Jump-start funktsioon võimaldab teil kasutada kõrge käivituspingega masinaid.
Saab juhtida pedaaliga või ilma.
Säilitab standardse 1/4 klambri juhtme ja pedaali pistikud.
DEFENDER PS-8 on lihtne kasutada.
Sellel on puutetundliku ekraani liides koos värvide visualiseerimise ja suure, hõlpsasti loetava fontiga.
Värviteema muutub võimsuse muutudes.
Ekraanil kuvatakse kõik vajalikud parameetrid: volt, amper, töötsükkel ja reguleerimisnäidikud.
DEFENDER PS-8 on igati mugav.
Võimalus on ühendada kaks masinat korraga.
Sellel on sisseehitatud reaalajas kell ja tunnitasuga seansiloendur.
Magnetiga silikoonpõhi võimaldab seda hästi fikseerida nii siledatel kui metallpindadel.
DEFENDER PS-8 on teie seadmetele ohutu.
See on varustatud sisseehitatud lühise- ja ülekuumenemiskaitsega.
Toiteallikal on puhkerežiimi funktsioon, mis lülitub automaatselt sisse pärast 5-minutilist tegevusetust.Võimalik tellida järeltellimusega
Available on back-order
Brand: MicrobeauMicrobeau Spektra Xion S PMU Permanent Makeup Machine - Frost 737,00 €
Microbeau Xion S is the permanent makeup version
FK Irons Xion
. It has been developed and tested in collaboration with permanent makeup artists. Compared to the Xion, the Xion Sl has a smaller handle and a shorter stroke (1.8 or 2.5 mm). The smaller handle has a comfortable and ergonomic design and is better suited to the way PMU artists are used to working. In addition, it is compatible with all tattoo cartridges and is easy to cover and handle. The short stroke length is optimal for the smaller needles and higher speeds typically used for PMU.
The powerful 6-watt MotorBolt is specially designed for the Microbeau and ensures optimal performance from your cartridges, providing maximum torque throughout the session. For greater reliability, the RCA connection is hidden inside the MotorBolt. The Xion S has adjustable stroke length, needle depth and give (softness) so it can be fine-tuned to your preferences and needs. The Xion S gives you full control over your machine and is therefore suitable for many permanent makeup styles.
Main features:
Color: Frost
Adjustable dial (up to 2 mm): simply turn the dial to adjust.
Adjustable needle depth thanks to the Xion S click handle.
Adjustable travel length - comes with 2.5mm and 1.8mm travel wheels.
Ergonomic profile that makes it easy to handle and cover.
Specially designed 6 watt motor bolt.
Concealed RCA connection.
Autoclavable tapered handle.
Compatible with all Cheyenne type cartridges.transport 1-3 weeks
Only 1 left in stock
Brand: MicrobeauMicrobeau Spektra Flux S PMU Permanent Makeup Machine with Additional Powerbolt 1037,00 € – 1319,00 €ColorMicrobeau Flux S PMU-Maschine - Pink / BubblegumMicrobeau Flux S PMU-Maschine + zus. PowerBolt - UltravioletMicrobeau Spektra Flux S Tattoo Machine - GunmetalMicrobeau Spektra Flux S Tattoo Machine - StealthMicrobeau Spektra Flux S Tattoo Machine with Additional PowerBolt - GunmetalMicrobeau Spektra Flux S Tattoo Machine with Additional PowerBolt - Stealth
The Microbeau Flux S follows the popular Xion S permanent makeup machine and marks the first wireless PMU machine from the Microbeau and DarkLab team.
The Flux S is powered by a removable battery known as the PowerBolt, which allows PMU artists to control their machine wirelessly without the need for cables or power supplies. Because it's replaceable, you can quickly and easily switch to an additional battery (sold separately) when the battery runs out so you can continue working without a problem.
The PowerBolt contains a lithium-ion battery with a USB-C connection and dynamic power path management that allows for simultaneous battery charging and power delivery. It offers a fast charging speed of up to 1.5 amps and a run time of up to 10 hours, depending on the type of cartridge and the voltage used. In addition, PowerBolt's higher energy density ensures reliability and stability.
In addition to the LED indicator for battery capacity and voltage, the PowerBolt has three buttons: one to turn the Flux S on/off, and two to adjust the voltage quickly and easily. Press the up and down arrows to change the current voltage in 0.5V increments or decrements from 6 to 12V, with the LED color corresponding to the PowerBolt voltage chart.
PowerBolt also offers the ability to make a “killswitch” on the machine, which prevents the Flux Si from accidentally turning on – helpful when traveling by plane with a PMU machine.
The Flux S is Bluetooth-enabled, meaning you can pair it with DarkLab's Hover power supply and app. With the DarkLab app, you can wirelessly update the Flux S with the latest firmware, making it future-proof.
Microbeau's Flux S is a direct drive tattoo machine that doesn't offer 3mm of pull, meaning it's perfect for all forms of PMU techniques. It is also very quiet when running and produces minimal vibration.
This Flux S version is equipped with two PowerBolts. We also offer Flux Si with one PowerBolt.
Main features:
Color: Ultraviolet
Includes x2 PowerBolts
Wireless - No need for power supply cables
Replaceable battery
USB-C Li-ion battery with dynamic power path management
Battery capacity and voltage LED indicator
Voltage: 6-12V, adjustable in 0.5V increments/decrements
Fast charging speed up to 1.5 A
Working time up to 6 hours
Bluetooth enabled – can be paired with the DarkLab Hover power supply and app
Future-proof - wireless firmware updates via the app
Direct drive with 3 mm travel
Compatible with Cheyenne type needle cartridges
Weight: 170 g
Made in the USATransport 1-3 weeks
Brand: MicrobeauMicrobeau Flux S Max with 1x PowerBolt II – 4.5mm Stroke 1199,00 € – 1474,00 €ColorMicrobeau Flux S Max with 1x PowerBolt II - 4.5mm Stroke - OudwoodMicrobeau Flux S Max with 1x PowerBolt II - 3.2mm Stroke - MidnightMicrobeau Flux S Max with 1x PowerBolt II - 2.5mm Stroke - RougeMicrobeau Flux S Max with 2x PowerBolt II - 3.2mm Stroke - MidnightMicrobeau Flux S Max with 2x PowerBolt II - 4.5mm Stroke - OudwoodMicrobeau Flux S Max with 2x PowerBolt II - 2.5mm Stroke - Rouge
After the Flux S permanent makeup machine, the Microbeau Flux S Max is designed to bring diversity and maximum versatility to your clinic.
This cordless machine is the first from the brand to have a corresponding stroke length for each different color. Microbeau has truly listened to artist feedback and developed a range of stroke options in the Flux S Max to suit all treatments, preferences and experiences.
Each machine comes with a luxury travel case for easy and safe transport of your machine. The Flux S Max is also the first Microbeau device to be powered by a PowerBolt II battery with several innovative features.
The PowerBolt II's advanced digital display and built-in menu are easy to navigate and provide full control over all settings. The menu can be used to adjust eGive, check battery life and personalize the display to suit your needs. Artists can now choose between Volts and Hertz and are adjusted in steps of 1 or 0.5. The voltage ranges from 4 to 12 V, allowing you to tailor your PMU treatment to each client.
The PowerBolt II is interchangeable and has dynamic power path management during charging - no interruptions! The PowerBolt II also has Bluetooth connectivity to pair with the DarkLab app.
Oudwood Flux S Max's 4.5mm stroke is perfect for advanced technicians, areola care, scar coverage and tougher skin types.
Main features:
Color: Oudwood
Cordless machine
Weight (with PowerBolt II): 166g
Stroke length: 4.5 mm
Stylish design with a wavy, tapered handle
Voltage range: 4-12V
Working time up to 10 hours
USB-C charging port
PowerBolt II battery included
Advanced digital display and built-in menu
Bluetooth connection
Comes with a luxurious travel bag
Compatible with all universal PMU cartridgesDelivery 1-3 weeks
Brand: MicrobeauMicrobeau Bellar Air - Permanent Makeup Machine 1147,00 € – 1540,01 €Choose a typeBellar Air Microbeau Blue 2.1mmBellar Air Microbeau Blue + Extra Battery Pack 2.1mmBellar Air Microbeau Blue 3.0mmBellar Air Microbeau Blue + Extra Battery Pack 3.0mmBellar Air Stealth 2.1mmBellar Air Stealth + Extra Battery Pack 2.1mmBellar Air Stealth 3.0mmBellar Air Stealth + Extra Battery Pack 3.0mmMicrobeau Bellar Air - Permanent Makeup Machine 2.1mm - PrimaMicrobeau Bellar Air - Permanent Makeup Machine 3.0mm - PrimaMicrobeau Bellar Air - Permanent Makeup Machine 2.1mm with Additional Battery - PrimaMicrobeau Bellar Air - Permanent Makeup Machine 3.0mm with Additional Battery - Prima
Bellar Air is Microbeau's breakthrough wireless innovation. An all-in-one PMU machine for the artist who craves reliability, luxury and style, all in a machine with endless possibilities.
This device has a new digital display with options to manage speed, timing, voltage and eGive parameters. This device gives the artist maximum control. With a NEW built-in needle detection feature, Bellar Air recognizes and responds to the skin to deliver consistent results. Bellar Air's sensitive eGive system, NEW lower operating voltage (4V/66Hz) and a choice of 2.1mm and 3.0mm gear options allow artists to use different techniques on different skin textures.
Main features:
LED digital display
Needle detection
eGive Adjustment
Adjustable needle depth with bounce system
Comes with a luxury travel case
Responsive silicone buttons
Stroke length: 2.1mm, 3.0mm
Weight: 3.86 oz (109.6 grams)
Battery life: 4-5 hours. Battery life depends on voltage, stroke, needle selection and skin type.
Connectivity: Bluetooth wireless or wired with detachable wireless battery or DC adapter
Voltage range: 4-10 volts
Handle: 26.5 - 16 mm tapered
Compatibility - Bluetooth, Killswitch, Standard Universal Diaphragm Cartridges
Compatible with the Darklab app via Bluetooth
Made in the USATransport 1-3 weeks
Brand: MicrobeauFlux Mini 873,00 € – 1037,00 €
After the popular Flux S PMU machine, Microbeau has developed the Flux Mini. Small and powerful, this compact machine doesn't compromise on reliability and allows artists to go completely wireless with one of the smallest machines to date.
Flux Mini's slim design not only increases control and comfort, but is well balanced and ergonomically designed for the best possible artist experience. With all the cordless capabilities of the Flux Si, the Mini is 1/3 of its predecessor with its 19mm diameter handle.
With a replaceable power pack, the Flux Mini offers up to 4+ hours of run time and 2.5 or 3.0mm stroke length to suit a wide range of skin types. With no wires or cords to limit you, the Flux Mini also accepts all universal PMU cartridges. Go wireless without compromise!
Main features:
Stroke length: 2.5 or 3.0 mm
Color: black
Wireless technology
Includes 2x Powerbolt Mini battery
Replaceable battery
Patented motor design
Increased mobility
Battery life up to 4+ hours
User-friendly intuitive controls
Wireless power with the smallest footprintDelivery 1-3 weeks
Brand: FK IRONSFK Irons Spektra Xion device black/red 600,00 €
The FK Irons Xion machine has been developed and tested in cooperation with top tattoo artists from around the world. The effort put into the development of this machine really shows: the Xion is one of the most comfortable, ergonomic and lightweight tattoo machines. It combines a brush-like experience with optimal maneuverability. The seamless handle is autoclavable and tapers from 32mm to 25mm. In addition, it is compatible with all tattoo cartridges and is easy to cover and handle.
The powerful 6-watt MotorBolt is designed specifically for tattooing and ensures optimal performance from your cartridges, providing maximum torque throughout your session. The RCA connection is hidden in the MotorBolt for greater reliability. The Xion has fully adjustable stroke length, needle depth and softness, so it can be set up to suit your preferences and needs. The Xion gives you complete control over your machine and is therefore suitable for many tattooing styles.
Please note, do not use an ultrasonic cleaner with this product.
Features:- Color: black / red
- Adjustable dial (up to 2 mm): simply turn the dial to adjust.
- Adjustable needle depth thanks to Xion's click handle.
- Adjustable travel length - wheels with 3.2 mm and 3.7 mm travel are included.
- Ergonomic profile that makes it easy to handle and cover.
- Specially designed 6 watt motor bolt.
- Concealed RCA connection.
- Autoclavable tapered handle 32mm to 25mm.
- Compatible with all cartridges.
- Weight: approx. 153 g (5.4 oz).
Brand: FK IRONSFK Irons Darklab: Powerbolt Plus II 381,99 €
FK Irons and DarkLab's Powerbolt II+ is the latest addition to the brands' wireless battery collection. Compatible with Flux S and Flux S Max PMU machines, the Powerbolt II+ provides stable wireless power - with even longer battery life.
With no wires to hold you back, you can simply attach the Powerbolt II+ to your machine and work with complete freedom. This battery has a digital built-in menu that allows users to easily select the settings of their choice.
The new innovative motherboard learns your preferences and adapts in real time, making your work easier than ever. It also comes with a responsive eGive and voltage and hertz reading function.
The Powerbolt II+ has a clear battery life indicator and a built-in timer. Battery firmware updates are available via the DarkLab app (connected via Bluetooth). The battery is charged via a USB-C cable, with a super-fast charging speed of 3 hours for first use and 2 hours from empty to full charge.
Each full charge provides approximately 6-8 hours of runtime depending on the voltage used - meaning you can work even longer without interruption. Weighing just 95 grams, the Powerbolt II+ doesn't feel like your machine is under or overburdened, reducing potential hand or wrist strain.
Main features:
Working time up to 8 hours
Bluetooth connectivity and the DarkLab app
Compatible with Flux S and Flux S Max models
Weight: 95g (3.3oz)
Digital built-in menu
Adapts to your preferences in real time
USB-C charging portTransport 1-3 weeks
Only 1 left in stock
Brand: FK IRONSFK Irons Darklab: Lightning Bolt Wireless Universal RCA Battery Pack - Single Pack 327,00 €
The DarkLab Lightning Bolt Wireless Universal RCA Battery Pack by FK Irons is a completely wireless power supply that is compatible with all rotary permanent makeup machines with an RCA connection.
This power supply's universal RCA connectivity means it easily plugs into your PMU machine, no matter what brand you're using, and provides up to 10 hours of stable, consistent power on a single charge. Wireless technology reduces clutter in your workspace and offers ultimate freedom for easy maneuvering without wires or restrictions!
The DarkLab Lightning Bolt Universal offers Bluetooth connectivity that lets you pair the battery with other DarkLab wireless products, as well as its mobile app for unique features like voice control and eGive.
Lightning Bolt Universal's ergonomic and compact design, weighing 58g, allows the machine to maintain forward balance and provides maximum ease and comfort to the artist during treatments.
With a lithium-ion battery and a built-in USB-C charging port, the power supply offers ultra-fast charging speed. The voltage can be adjusted using buttons or the DarkLab app, and the screen also has a voltage LED indicator.
Main features:
Single pack - 1 pc
Provides up to 10 hours of power on a single charge
Universal RCA connectivity - compatible with any brand of PMU machines
Bluetooth Connectivity – Can be paired with the DarkLab mobile app
Weight: 58g
Dimensions: H55.25mm x W24.5mm x W53mm
Built-in charger USB-C port and lithium-ion battery
Intuitive controls and voltage LED indicator
Ergonomic, balanced designtransport 1-3 weeks
Only 1 left in stock
Brand: FK IRONSFK Irons Darklab: Lightning Bolt Wireless RCA Battery Pack - Single Pack 327,00 €
FK Irons' DarkLab Lightning Bolt is a wireless battery that attaches to your permanent makeup machine via an RCA connection and offers up to 10 hours of use on a single charge.
The Lighting Bolt battery pack helps reduce clutter in your workspace by eliminating the need for cables. It also comes with a wireless foot switch (sold separately).
The DarkLab Lightning Bolt offers Bluetooth connectivity, allowing you to pair the battery with other DarkLab wireless products, as well as its mobile app. Over-the-air firmware updates also mean the Lightning Bolt is future-proof and compatible with future PMU machines from DarkLab's sister brands.
Weighing in at just 58 grams, the FK Irons Lightning Bolt battery has a lightweight design that ensures it won't leave your PMU machine feeling super heavy during use.
The Lightning Bolt features a Li-Ion battery with a USB-C connection, which provides fast charging speeds of up to 1.5 amps when using DarkLab's USB power packs. The wireless battery pack also has an LED indicator for battery capacity and voltage.
Main features:
Single Pack - x 1 pc
Provides up to 10 hours of work on a single charge
Attaches to PMU machine via RCA connection - no wires/cables required
Wireless foot switch enabled (sold separately)
Bluetooth Connectivity – Can be paired with DarkLab wireless products and mobile app
Future-proof - wireless firmware updates for future compatibility
Weight: 58 g
Fast charging speed up to 1.5A with DarkLab USB power supplies
Lithium-ion battery with USB-C connection
Battery capacity and voltage LED indicatortransport 1-3 weeks
Only 1 left in stock
Brand: DEFENDERDEFENDERR Ruby permanent makeup machine
“RUBY” on võimas ja manööverdatav seade, mis suudab võita iga meistri südame. Vahetatavaid ekstsentrikut on 7 tüüpi, mis muudavad seadme professionaali käes mitmekülgseks tööriistaks.
“RUBY” loodi kunstnikele, kes ei jää kunagi oma arengus paigale ja soovivad omada masinat, mis on võimeline looma meistriteoseid nii PMU kui ka tätoveeringu vallas.
“RUBY” on kulumaterjalide osas mitmekülgne: selle jaoks sobivad kõik klassikalised kasseti nõelad ja standardsed toiteallikad, millel on võimalus ühendada RCA-kaabel.
Kõik seitse ekstsentrikut on kindlalt seadme korpusesse sisse ehitatud, nii et neid saab mugavalt otse seadmel reguleerida.
Technical specifications:Length: 118 mm
Weight: 165 g
Gross weight: 267 g
Motor power: 5 W
Voltage: up to 10V
Gear speed: 8000 rpm
Adjustable needle: 2.4 mm, 2.7 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.3 mm, 3.9 mm, 4.2 mm
Connection: RCA (click included)
Värvid: Must, Hall
Materjal: Aviation-Alumiinium Hooldus: 1 aasta
Design in USA -
IRON S on mitmekülgne seade, mis on mõeldud meistritele, kes on harjunud töötama tõsiste ja võimsate seadmetega.
Keskmine nõela tõmme on 3,5 mm, mis võimaldab seda kasutada nii microbladingu kui ka varjutamise tehnikas. Seade on piisavalt võimas ka tätoveeringute tegemiseks.
Meistrid, kes ei eelista lühikest nõelatõmmet ja väikest nõela, on sellest seadmest täiesti üllatunud ja valivad selle iga püsimeigi tehnika jaoks.
Seade on varustatud väikese inertsiga mootoriga, mis on spetsiaalselt välja töötatud DEFENDERRI jaoks.
Erinevalt raudsüdamikuga mootoritest on madala inertsiga mootoritel rootori inerts madalam. Lisaks on elektrimootoritel vähenenud vibratsiooni- ja müratase ning parem juhitavus.
IRON S on ühendanud kõik kaasaegsete püsimeigiseadmete turu parimad arengud:
• Väike ja kerge disain koos võimsa mootoriga.
• Laitmatu juhitavus ja kontroll töö ajal.
• Pehme ja samal ajal stabiilne nõelatõmme selgete ja kindlate joonte jaoks.
• Mugav ja ergonoomiline korpus, mis muudab selle kasutamise lihtsaks
• Eemaldatav keeratav hoidik steriliseerimiseks.
• Täielikult demonteeritav disain hooldus- ja asendusdetailide jaoks.
• Koos Defenderr Nano Systemsi kassettidega on pigmendi kontsentratsioon lausa 70%.
Tehnilised andmed
Nõela käik: 3,5 mm
Mootori võimsus: 5W
Tööpinge: kuni 10 V
Pöörlemiskiirus: 8000 p/min
Pikkus: 112mm
Kaal: 150g
Pistik: RCA
Garantii: 1 aasta
Designed in the USA
Korpus: õhusõidukiga kaetud alumiinium
Värvid: Stealth, Gunmetal, Chromium, Pink
Täielik komplekt: Seade, toitekaabel -
474,58 €Original price was: 474,58 €.328,18 €Current price is: 328,18 €.Characteristics
Length 136 mm
Holder diameter 76 mm
Weight 210 g
Short stroke hybrid
Motor power 8 V
Voltage 4 to 12 V
Rotational speed 6500 rpm
Colors Stealth, Gunmetal, Red
Material aircraft grade aluminum
Warranty and maintenance service 1 year
Engine v10 max
Designed in the USAChangeable stroke 2.8-3.5
The device works with both a cord and a battery
Meet the new Fenix multifunction machine🔥As of today, this is Defenderr's most powerful wireless gadget with some serious advanced features.
This bad boy has an SMP mode that lets you destroy micropigmentation on the skin and customize it for lips, brows, and lids. All in all, it empowers the artist to develop their own Fenix for any permanent makeup technique. This thing is a game changer in the ink world.
Controlled body geometry. Soft and at the same time uniform Short line for clear and confident lines.Versatility
Compatible with all classic modular pins and popular power supplies with RCA connectors.Safety
Thanks to the use of replaceable cartridges, all biological fluids, as well as paint, remain inside the cartridge without getting into it.Quality assembly
Fully collapsible design for maintenance and replacement of any element. -
450,18 €Original price was: 450,18 €.315,98 €Current price is: 315,98 €.Length 136 mm
Holder diameter 76 mm
Weight 210 g
Short stroke hybridCan be used with cord and battery.
Needle stroke 2.38
Motor power 8 V
Voltage 4 to 12 V
Rotational speed 6500 rpm
Colors Stealth, Gunmetal, Green
Material aircraft grade aluminum
Warranty and maintenance service 1 year
Engine v10 max
Thanks to its powerful motor, the DIAMOND device draws clear and uniform lines, making it the ideal tool for hair technology.Balancing
The main weight of the machine is concentrated in the center of the body to work for a long time without the slightest strain.Even pixels when sprayed on powdered brows
Minimal injury when working with the eye area
Even color on the lips
Perfectly clear lines, hairs and contours
Brand: DEFENDERDEFENDERR Diamond permanent makeup machine
DIAMOND – a universal permanent makeup machine suitable for any permanent makeup technique and compatible with most popular modules.
It is based on the innovative German engine of the well-known Faulhaber company, which allows the user to feel confident while working on any skin area.
Perfect pixels for a powder eyebrow tattoo; Low risk of eye injury (lash strengthening); Even lip coverage; Flawless fine lines, single hairs and contoured tattoo.
The main advantages are a modern powerful motor, calibrated balance and no noise or vibration.
Needle bar kick. A short stroke of 2.5 mm allows for strong coverage at high speed with minimal risk of skin damage.
Power. The updated motor allows the DIAMOND machine to draw even more precise and smooth lines, making it the perfect tool for microblading.
Balance. The focus of the weight of the machine is in the middle of the body, which allows the user to feel no muscle strain for a long time. The body of the ergonomic machine fits perfectly into the hand of the tattoo artist and becomes an integral part of it.
Technical specifications:Length: 118 mm
Weight: 165 g
Gross weight: 267 g
Motor power: 5 W
Voltage: up to 10V
Gear speed: 8000 rpm
Adjustable needle: 2.4 mm, 2.7 mm, 3.0 mm, 3.3 mm, 3.9 mm, 4.2 mm
Connection: RCA (click included)
Colors: Black, Brown
Material: Aviation-Aluminium
Design in USA