Brand: MastMast Nano 2 Wireless Tattoo Gun Permanent Eyebrow Makeup Machine Pen
199,00 €Original price was: 199,00 €.149,00 €Current price is: 149,00 €. does not include VATOnly 2 left in stock
Brand: MastArenahawk Ranger Wireless Tattoo Pen Machine Gun
249,00 €Original price was: 249,00 €.199,00 €Current price is: 199,00 €. does not include VATOnly 2 left in stock
Dr. Hedison Hyaluronic Acid moisture cream hüaluroonhapetega niisutav näokreem 80ml 40,20 € does not include VAT
Usaldusväärne valem tundlikule nahale.
Puhta loodusliku koostisega päevakreem. Kerge tekstuuriga niisutav geel-kreem toidab nahka 24 tunniks.
Kellele sobib:
– kellel on vähe elastne näonahk
– kes vajab pehmet kreemi tundlikule nahale
– kes soovib õrna kreemi ilma kleepuvuseta.
Kreem sisaldab 11 tüüpi hüaluroonhapet ja annab võimsa niisutava toime, täiendades niiskustaset igas nahakihis.
Tugevdab naha barjääri ja säilitab niiskuse 24 tundi. Sisaldab taimseid skvalaani ja NP keramiide, mis tugevdavad ja rahustavad naha barjääri.
Trehaloosirikas bogum-kaktuse ekstrakt niisutab nahka sügavuti. Fütosterool, taimedest ekstraheeritud fütokemikaal, rahustab nahka ja parandab naha elastsust.
Lisaks kreem sisaldab 10 liiki looduslikke vananemisvastaseid koostisosi, mis parandavad vereringet ja naha elastsust.
Kreem on laboratoorselt testitud naha tundlikkuse suhtes.
kanna kreemi puhtale näole hommikul ja õhtul õrnalt patsutades.
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Dr. Hedison the premium collagen cream preemium kollageeni kreem siidi ekstraktiga 50g 54,00 € does not include VAT
Dr Hedison tõi turule kortsudevastase kreemi, mille patenteeritud koostisosad ja kliinilised uuringud on tõestanud, et need taastavad naha seisundit.
Siidiekstrakti, kollageeni mikroosakeste ja Carpobrotus edulis ekstraktiga – jäätaim, lugematute nahale kasulike omadustega taim, mis pärineb Lõuna-Aafrika rannikult, imendub kreem kiiresti nahka, jätmata nahale kilet ja annab niisutust.
• KOLLAGEENI MIKROOSAKESED: tungivad läbi pärisnaha kihtidesse, stimuleerides kollageeni tootmist ja seeläbi taastades naha elastsuse.
• 7 TÜÜBI KOLLAGEENI KOMPLEKSS ekstra pinguldav ja niisutav efekt ning nahk muutub säravamaks.
• JÄÄTAMEEKSTRAKT: tänu oma niisutavatele ja antioksüdantsetele omadustele aitab see kaasa naha tugevuse parandamisele ning omab sünergistlikku toimet koos siidiekstraktiga, mis hoiab nahka niisutatuna.
• Siidiekstrakt: sisaldab aminohappeid ja valke, mis võivad aidata stimuleerida kollageeni tootmist, mis on naha pingulduse ja elastsuse jaoks oluline valk.
• Tugev kortsudevastane toime
• Intensiivne niisutus
• Kõrge antioksüdantide sisaldus
• Kiire imendumine
• Stimuleerib kollageeni tootmist
• Taastab naha tugevuse
• Taastab naha elastsuse
1. Kanna kreem puhastatud ja toonuses nahale.
2. Jaotage toode pehmete masseerivate liigutustega näole.
3. Kandke hommikul ja õhtul.
Only 1 left in stock
Dr.Hedison Peptide 7 Enriched Cream kortsudevastane noorendav kreem 50ml 54,00 € does not include VAT
Kreem taastab, sügavalt niisutab ja küllastab nahka elastsusega, leevendab põletikke ja stimuleerib regeneratsiooniprotsesse, parandab immuunsust ja loomulikke nahamehhanisme, stimuleerib kollageeni ja elastiini teket.
Aeglustab tõhusalt naha vananemisprotsessi ja parandab selle välimust. Kreemi põhjaks on süvamere mineraalvesi, 7 peptiidi ja ravimtaimede ekstraktid. Kreem on optimaalse tiheduse ja kergusega, imendub kiiresti ja ei jäta rasvaseid jälgi.
● parandab toonust, tugevust ja elastsust
● toidab nahka tõhusalt, toimides peamistele mehhanismidele, mis tagavad naha elujõu ja sära
● eemaldab pigmentatsiooni
● vähendab miimika- ja vanusekortse
● ühtlustab näotooni
● tugevdab naha kaitsebarjääri
Nahatüüp: sobib kõikidele nahatüüpidele. Soovitatav kuivale ja kurnatud nahale.
Soovitatav vanus: alates 30. eluaastast.
● Loodusliku päritoluga heksapeptiid-9 (sh-Decapeptide-9) takistab naha vananemist, soodustab lipiidide kogumist, mis viib naha turgori paranemiseni, mille tõttu ajab kortsud välja, taastades naha sisemise elastsuse.
● Tripeptiid 1 (Copper tripeptide 1) kiirendab naha taastumist. Kasulik pärast laserprotseduure, keemilist koorimist. Kudede rekonstrueerimine, kollageeni tootmine, naha pinguldamine. Parandab dermaalse maatriksi tootmist. Blokeerib toksiinide toimet nahas. Kiirendab haavade ja põletuste paranemist. Hoiab ära naha tüvirakkude vananemist. Suurendab tüvirakkude elujõulisust. Neutraliseerib kiirguse mõju.
● Dipeptiid Diatsetaat (Dipeptide Diacetate) on vananemisvastase toimega, võitleb miimiliste kortsudega, parandab naha elastsust.
● Adenosiin (Adenosine): suurendab kollageeni ja elastiini tootmist nahas, seetõttu vähendab kortse ja silub naha tekstuuri. Võitleb tõhusalt kortsude vastu, omab võimsat tsütoprotektiivset toimet ja kaitseb rakke oksüdatsiooni eest. See mõjutab ka prokollageeni 1 sünteesi, mis vastutab naha elastsuse ja toonuse eest.
● Niatsiinamiid ehk B3-vitamiin (Niacinamide) silub kortse, parandab naha elastsust, vanuselaigud kaovad.
● Rooibose lehtede ekstrakt (Rooibos leaf extract) vähendab oksüdatiivset stressi, kaitseb rakke vabade radikaalide eest ja aeglustab vananemist.
● Oliiviõli (Olive oil) muudab naha pehmeks, silub tekstuuri, niisutab, päästab kuivusest ja dehüdratsioonist.
● Aaloe ekstrakt (Aloe extract) rahustab nahka, leevendab ärritust, võitleb põletike ja rasuse läike vastu.
● Lagritsaekstrakt (Liquorice extract) muudab tumedad laigud heledamaks ja parandab nahatooni.
1. Kandke kreem puhastatud ja toniseeritud nahale.
2. Jaotage toode pehmete masseerivate liigutustega näole.
3. Kandke hommikul ja õhtul.
: Carbonated Water, Water, Methylpropanediol, sh-Decapeptide-9, Glycerin, Caprylic/CapricTriglyceride, Butylene Glycol, Cetearyl lsononanoate, Niacinamide, Bis-PEG-i8 Methyl Ether Dimethyl 5ilaneCetearyl Alcohol, PropyleneGlycolDicaprylate, CetearylOlivate, SorbitanOliuate, BeesWax, OleaEuropaea( Olive) Fruit Oil, Cydopentasiloxane, 2-Hexanediol, Cyclohexasiloxane, Betaine, GlycerylStearate, StearicAcid, Pentylene Glycol, CaprylylGlycol, Arginine, Acrylates/Cio-3oAlkylAcrylateCrosspolymer, Dimethicone/PEG-io/i5 Crosspolymer, AloeBarbadensis Leaf Powder, Oligopeptide-i, Spirulina Maxima Extract, Allantoin, DipotassiumGlycyrrriizate, Adeno5ine, Ethylhexylglycerin, NicotinoylTripeptide-i, PalmitoylPentapeptide-4(Caffeoylsh-Octa pepttde-4, CaffeoylTripeptide-i, sh-Octapeptide-4, 5h-Pentapeptide-i9, AspalathusLinearisExtract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Fragrance.
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Dr. Hedison Eye Cream for Youth Eye Cream for Youth silmaümbruse kreem peptiididega kortsudevastane 30ml 36,66 € does not include VAT
Only 2 left in stock
Professionaalsed vananemisvastased silmamaskid silmatursete vastu kullaga ja peptiitidega 60tk 25,00 € does not include VAT
Dr.Hedison Returning Eye Patch – geelmaskid lisavad näole värske ja puhanud välimuse. Tänu hoolikale aktiivsete koostisosade valikule saab derma maksimaalse koguse kasulikke vitamiine, aminohappeid ja peptiide, mis tervendavad raku tasandil.
Läbiimmutatava seerumi koostisse kuulub atsetüülheksapeptiid, mis tugevdab rakumembraane, taastab vigastatuid kollageenikiude, tugevdab epidermise kaitsefunktsioone, parandab vere mikrotsirkulatsiooni. Argaaniaõli – pehmendab, eemaldab kuivuse ja kiskumistunde, tugevdab veresooni ja kapillaare. Kummeliekstrakt – kõrvaldab silmade alt tursed, kotid ja sinikad, värskendab ja pinguldab nahka.
Hüdrolüüsitud kollageen ja hüaluroonhape annavad näole tagasi nooruslikkuse, täidavad ning siluvad kortse, kõrvaldavad kanavarbad silmade juures, aeglustavad enneaegse vananemise protsessi, aktiveerivad naha uuenemisprotsesse. Kolloidkuld kingib sära ja läike, kaitseb ebasoodsate välistegurite eest, vähendab radikaalide kogust, tugevdab epidermist.
Piparmündiekstrakt ja bergamotiekstrakt niisutavad sügavalt ja hoiavad rakkudes niiskust kinni ning ei lase sellel aurustuda ega dermat liiga ära kuivatada. Silmaümbrusnahk on väga õrn, et ta pikemaks ajaks jääks nooreks ja värskeks, on tarvis leida õige hooldusviis. Dr.Hedisoni silmamaskid sisaldavad kasulikke mikroelementide kompleksi, mis on vajalikud vahetusprotsesside normaalseks funktsioneerimiseks.
• Tripeptiid-10, tsitrulliin ja atsetüülheksapeptiid-8 (Tripeptide-10 Citrulline и Acetyl Hexapeptide-8) soodustavad lihasmälu taastumist, mille tulemusena käivitub uuenemisprotsess; paraneb naha elastsus.
• Hüaluroonhape (Hyaluronic acid) on võimas naha niisutaja. Maskid sisaldavad 6 erinevat taimeekstrakti, mis toidavad sügavuti ja rahustavad nahka, soodustavad selle niisutamist.Hüdrogeeli alus võimaldab elementidel tungida sügavamale ja töötada tõhusamalt. Аtsetüülheksapeptiid-8 (Acetyl Hexapeptide-8) aitab kaasa lihaste lõdvestamisele, mis võimaldab märkimisväärselt miimilisi kortse vähendada.
• Kolloidne kuld (Colloidal gold) eemaldab tõhusalt ja õrnalt tumedad ringid ja ühtlustab nahatooni.
• Hüdrolüüsitud kollageen (Hydrolyzed collagen) soodustab epidermises kollageeni suurendamist – meie nooruse proteiini.Only 1 left in stock
Gold Snail Cream teolima ja 24K-kullaga näokreem 50g 50,00 € does not include VAT
Nahatooni ühtlustav – kortsude parendusfunktsioon. Õrna tekstuuriga luksuslik toitekreem tagastab nahale prinkuse ja sära.
Kolloidne kuld parandab naha prinkust, kiirendab regeneratsiooniprotsesse, silendab kortse, avaldab lifting-efekti, annab nahale kauni ühtlase jume. Kulla ja teomutsiini duett täiendab ja tõstab kummagi efektiivsust ning kompleksel kasutamisel avaldab märkimisväärset anti-age efekti. Silendab kortse, vähendades nende pikkust ja sügavust, ennetab uute kortsude teket. Niisutab aktiivselt sügavaid ja pindmisi nahakihte, säilitab nahas niiskuse kuni 24 tundi.Fermenteeritud teolimaekstrakt (madalatemperatuurilisel režiimil)
• madalmolekulaarne valk
• suur kogus füsioloogiliselt aktiivset ainet
• Korea tigude 100% kasutamine
• inimorganismi poolt kõrge omastatavus.Usage: Võta piisav kogus kreemi ja jaota ühtlaselt üle näo ja kaela. Kasuta hommikul ja õhtul peale nahapuhastust. Parimate tulemuste saavutamiseks kasuta koos teiste Gold Snail sarja toodetega: tooniku – emulsiooni – seerumi – silmaümbrusekreemi.
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Peptide 7 Mild Care Foam Cleanser 5,00 € does not include VAT
Õrn näopuhastusvaht sisaldab 7 peptiidi kompleksil:
– õrn puhastus aktiivsete mullidega
– pooride hooldus sebo-kontrolliga
Puhastusvaht on soovitatavv neile,
kes tunneb, et nahk on peale puhastamist kuiv.
Sulfaadivaba vahu miniversioon peptiididega pesemiseks Dr.HEDISON Peptide Mild Care Foam Cleanser Igapäevane nahahooldus ja eriti selle puhastamine on iga naise elu üks olulisi komponente. Pärast aktiivset tööpäeva, kosmeetika kasutamist ja isegi pärast ärkamist vajab meie nahk õrna puhastust, mis valmistab selle sujuvalt ette järgnevaks hoolduseks. Peptide Mild Care Foam Cleanser tagab just sellise õrna ja õrna, kuid samas põhjaliku puhastuse. Loodud mitteagressiivsete vahutavate ainete, kasulike taimeekstraktide, peptiidide kompleksi, aga ka müristiin-, lauriin- ja steeriinhappe baasil. Ideaalne puhastuskomponentide kombinatsioon õrnaks nahahoolduseks iga päev.
Only 2 left in stock
Pittoresco Camellia cleansing balm luksuslik näopuhastuspalsam 95g 32,80 € does not include VAT
Pittoresco Camellia Cleansing Balm – kameeliamaskeeringubalm näole lahustab õrnalt ja kiiresti püsivad BB- ja CC-kreemid, päikesekaitsekreemid, huulepulgad, ripsmetuššid ja muud kosmeetikatooted ning eemaldab liigse naha rasu.
Balsam toidab nahka, niisutab seda ja rikastab kasulike komponentidega, mitte ei kuivata ega jäta pinguldustunnet. Selle koostises on antibakteriaalsed, haavu parandavad ja rahustavad komponendid.
Balsam on rikastatud looduslike komponentide kompleksiga, mis tagab hoolitsuse isegi kõige tundlikuma naha jaoks, seda traumeerimata. Balsami põhikomponendiks on kameelia, mis avaldab nahale imelist mõju. Kameeliaõli suurendab epidermise sarvkihi barjäärseid omadusi, kaitseb nahka niiskuskadu eest, kaitseb ultraviolettkiirguse eest ja neutraliseerib vabad radikaalid. Samutijojobaõli, mesilasvaha, avokaadoõli, valge klipi ekstrakt, mis pehmendavad, annavad elujõudu, soodustavad naha elastsuse ja turgori taastumist, stimuleerivad kudede regenereerimist ja parandavad naha üldist seisundit.
Balsamil on tihe tekstuur, mis sarnaneb sorbetile. Veega kokkupuutel muutub see piimemulsiooniks, mis jaotub nahale kergesti ja niisutab seda.
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10 tk Plastikust Mini Tattoo Ink Cup mikropigment kork püsimeigi liimihoidja Kulmuharja hoidja tööriista PMU tarvikud 1,50 € does not include VAT
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10 tk Plastikust Mini Tattoo Ink Cup mikropigment kork püsimeigi liimihoidja Kulmuharja hoidja tööriista PMU tarvikud 2,50 € does not include VAT
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PINO Shower Me! Shower Foam Pink Grapefruit – dušivaht roosa greibiga, 200ml 9,99 € does not include VAT
Suurepärane kogemus nii kehale kui ka vaimule läbi kõrgkvaliteetsete taimsete aroomide.
Dušivaht niisutab ja elustab kogu keha ning jätab nahale märgatava värskuse.
Naturaalse pH-ga dušivaht on eriti õrna ja pehme puhastava toimega, säilitab ja hoiab ära niiskusekadu naha kaudu.
100% vegan.
Kandke dušivaht otse niiskele nahale, hoidke hetk nahal ning seejärel loputage.
NB! Loksutage enne kasutamist! Pihusti on surve all. Hoidke lastele kättesaamatus kohas.
Kaitske otsese päikesevalguse eest, mitte hoida temperatuuril üle 50 kraadi C.
Pihustada ei tohi avatud leegile või hõõguvale materjalile. Tühja pakendit ei tohi põletada
ega katki teha. Kasutage ainult määratud eesmärgil.Only 1 left in stock
Brand: Alessandroalessandro SPA FOOT Balancing Massage Oil – tasakaalustav massaažiõli, 125ml 12,00 € does not include VAT
Võtke mõned tilgad õli kätele ning masseerige jalalaba ja säärepiirkonda.
Only 1 left in stock
Brand: AlfaparfAlfaparf SDL Sunshine After-Sun Treatment – taastav ja hooldav päikesejärgne värvikaitsega vegan palsam, 200ml 18,99 € does not include VAT
Päikese, kloori ja soolaga kokku puutunud stressis juustele.
Toidab, niisutab, vähendab kahu ja parandab kammitavust.
Muudab juuksed pehmeks ja säravaks, ilma neid raskeks tegemata.
Kloorivastane kompleks ja Urban Defense Pro tehnoloogia kaitsevad
juukseid väliskeskkonna saasteainete eest. Climate Proof kompleks
aitab hoida optmaalset niiskuse tasakaalu ja kaitsta juukseid muutuva
õhuniiskuse ja temperatuuri eest. Linaseemne ekstraktiga särakompleks
Shine Fix Complex vabastab astmeliselt toimeaineid, silub juukseid,
kindlustab kauakestva sära. Color Fix Complex kaitseb UV-kiirguse eest,
pikendab värviintensiivsust ja sära.Lisainformatsioon Maht 200ml Bränd Alfaparf Milano Toote liik Jaetoode Composition Aqua (Water), Cetearyl Alcohol, Behentrimonium Chloride, Quaternium-87, Hydroxypropyl Starch Phosphate, Cetyl Esters, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Parfum (Fragrance), Phenoxyethanol, Amodimethicone, Propylene Glycol, Isopropyl Alcohol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Trideceth-12, Disodium Edta, Cetrimonium Chloride, Glycerin, Linalool, Hydroxycitronellal, Salvia Hispanica Seed Oil, Citronellol, Polyimide-1, Butylene Glycol, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Carnosine, Pentylene Glycol, Lactic Acid, Moringa Oleifera Seed Extract, Disodium Phosphate, Citric Acid, Linum Usitatissimum (Linseed) Seed Extract, Biosaccharide Gum-4, Caesalpinia Spinosa Gum, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate Kandke palsam juustele pärast šampooni. Laske mõjuda 5 minutit.
Loputage põhjalikult.Only 1 left in stock
Alfaparf SDL Sunshine After-Sun Low Shampoo – õrn sulfaadivaba päikesejärgne värvikaitsega vegan šampoon, 250ml 13,90 € does not include VAT
Eemaldab tõhusalt kloori, soola, liiva ja kosmeetikatoodete jäägid.
Puhastab õrnalt peanahka ja juukseid. Muudab juuksed siidiseks,
läikivaks ja kaitseb juukseid väliskeskkonna kahjulike mõjude eest.
Climate Proof kompleks aitab hoida optimaalset niiskuse tasakaalu
ja kaitsta juukseid muutuva õhuniiskuse ja temperatuuri eest.
Linaseemne ekstraktiga särakompleks Shine Fix Complex vabastab
astmeliselt toimeaineid, silub juukseid, kindlustab kauakestva sära.
Color Fix Complex kaitseb UV-kiirguse eest, pikendab värvi intensiivsust
ja sära.Lisainformatsioon Maht 250 ml Bränd Alfaparf Milano Toote liik Jaetoode Composition Aqua (Water), Sodium C14-16 Olefin Sulfonate, Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Peg-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Parfum (Fragrance), Phenoxyethanol, Glycol Distearate, Polyquaternium-10, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Trideceth-2 Carboxamide Mea, Sodium Benzoate, Laureth-4, Ethylhexylglycerin, Polyquaternium-7, Laureth-2, Peg/Ppg-120/10 Trimethylolpropane Trioleate, Disodium Edta, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Lactic Acid, Glycerin, Linalool, Hydroxycitronellal, Butylene Glycol, Citronellol, Salvia Hispanica Seed Oil, Pentylene Glycol, Sodium Hydroxide, Carnosine, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Moringa Oleifera Seed Extract, Disodium Phosphate, Polyimide-1, Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Linum Usitatissimum (Linseed) Seed Extract, Biosaccharide Gum-4, Caesalpinia Spinosa Gum Kandke šampoon niisketele juustele ja masseerige õrnalt vahule.
Loputage põhjalikult. Vajadusel korrake.Only 1 left in stock
Siid by Kairi säraõli Spark 100ml 32,70 € does not include VAT
Sügavalt niisutav ning imelist sära andev kehaõli. Päevitunud nahal mõjub sädelev nahk kui tõeliselt elegantne aksessuaar. Enne kasutamist raputa pudelit, et orgaanilistest koostisosadest sädelus seguneks SIID SPARK kehaõlis ühtlaselt.
In stock
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Brand: V-SelectV-Select needles 0.25 RLLT 20,49 € does not include VAT
Permanent makeup needles universal
Only 1 left in stock
Unigloves OPAL PEARL® gloves 100 pcs
6,72 €Original price was: 6,72 €.4,99 €Current price is: 4,99 €. does not include VATThe Pearl series glove is a versatile, food-safe hygienic and protective glove made of nitrile. Disposable gloves are used in gastronomy and industry, in hospitals and medical facilities, and in beauty salons and hairdressing salons. The gloves have been tested in accordance with the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and European standards EN 374, EN 420 and EN 455. Pearl material is waterproof, extremely tear-resistant and protects against viruses, fungi and bacteria. The latex-, thiuram- and protein-free glove is also particularly gentle on the skin. Roughened fingertips ensure a firm grip without reducing tactile sensitivity. Its flexible fit makes putting on and taking off the gloves easy and comfortable. The ambidextrous design makes them convenient to use.
Size: S or M
100 pcs in a package -
Unigloves MINT PEARL® gloves
6,72 €Original price was: 6,72 €.4,99 €Current price is: 4,99 €. does not include VATThe Pearl series glove is a versatile, food-safe hygienic and protective glove made of nitrile. Disposable gloves are used in gastronomy and industry, in hospitals and medical facilities, and in beauty salons and hairdressing salons. The gloves have been tested in accordance with the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and European standards EN 374, EN 420 and EN 455. Pearl material is waterproof, extremely tear-resistant and protects against viruses, fungi and bacteria. The latex-, thiuram- and protein-free glove is also particularly gentle on the skin. Roughened fingertips ensure a firm grip without reducing tactile sensitivity. Its flexible fit makes putting on and taking off the gloves easy and comfortable. The ambidextrous design makes them convenient to use.
Sizes: S or M
100 pcs in a package -
Unigloves FANCY® SILVER gloves 7,30 € does not include VAT
Fancy is not only an expression for something unusual, but also for our FANCY glove. This eye-catching disposable glove is causing a stir in the gastronomy, lifestyle and medical sectors. Its glossy appearance is a highlight for your hands. Of course, the glove complies with the personal protective equipment regulation (EU) 2016/425 and the European standards EN 374, EN 420 and EN 455. The roughened fingertips ensure an optimal grip during use, and two-handed use is provided by the universal fit. The waterproof material not only protects against moisture, but also against viruses, fungi and bacteria. In addition, the FANCY glove is suitable for use with food.
Choice of S or M size (100 pcs in a package)
Unigloves BLACK PEARL® gloves 4,99 € does not include VAT
The Pearl series glove is a versatile, food-safe hygienic and protective glove made of nitrile. Disposable gloves are used in gastronomy and industry, in hospitals and medical facilities, and in beauty salons and hairdressing salons. The gloves have been tested in accordance with the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and European standards EN 374, EN 420 and EN 455. Pearl material is waterproof, extremely tear-resistant and protects against viruses, fungi and bacteria. The latex-, thiuram- and protein-free glove is also particularly gentle on the skin. Roughened fingertips ensure a firm grip without reducing tactile sensitivity. Its flexible fit makes putting on and taking off the gloves easy and comfortable. The ambidextrous design makes them convenient to use.
Sizes: XS, S, M, L
In the package: 100 pcs -
Spectra Xion Mini 536,89 € – 893,44 € does not include VAT
Xion Mini
Designed with 2.5mm travel, ready to wear on all skin types – right out of the box.
It's lightweight - just 87 grams - and its proprietary Darklab motor delivers consistent power with virtually no vibration.
Compact and ergonomic design that reduces hand fatigue
Built-in “click” handle adjustment system for needle depth
Darklab's patented motor with virtually no vibration
eGive and Siri voice control capabilities through the Darklab app via the Airbolt Mini wireless solution
Compatible with standard membrane cartridges
RCA connectivityAirbolt Mini
Pair the Xion Mini with our wireless solution - the Airbolt Mini - and experience a whole new sense of freedom. With up to 10 hours of use, it can power any machine with your choice of cables and connectors. Weighing only 79g (2.8oz), the Airbolt Mini is travel-friendly and has a built-in anti-slip magnetic pad for stability.
Weight: (79 g)
6mm x 48mm x 24mm
Battery life up to 10 hours, depending on voltage.
Built-in anti-slip magnetic pad.
Several wearable and mounting accessories will be available soon for additional support.
Easy to protect from bag/barrier.
eGive capabilities in the Darklab app via Bluetooth.
The only power supply on the market that can be connected to any machine, with the cables or connectors of your choice.Transport 1-3 weeks
Siid by Kairi body oil 100ml 32,70 € does not include VAT
A deeply moisturizing body oil that is pideal for the dry climate of the south. Softer, more moisturized, smoother and brighter skin after the first use. Olive oil, carrot oil and lemon extract create the magic of SIID oil.
SIID oil is just three wonderful components - olive oil, carrot oil and lemon extract. All of which work together to make your skin softer, more moisturized and smelling good.
Olive oil contains plenty of vitamins and antioxidants and deeply moisturizes the skin.
Carrot oil supports the renewal process of the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect, strong moisturizing and antibacterial effect. In addition, the rich beta-carotene contained in carrot oil gives a pleasant complexion.
Lemon extract is one of the strongest immune system boosters because it contains plenty of useful vitamins and has an antibacterial effect. The smell of lemon has a stimulating and concentration-enhancing effect.
- Apply the oil to damp skin fresh from washing all over the body.
- Carefully massage the oil into your skin so that it is absorbed into your skin for maximum hydration.
- Breathe in the pleasant lemon aroma for a while, enjoy your shiny iridescent skin and say to yourself "I am a beautiful woman!" It takes exactly 1-2 minutes, but gives a big positive charge for the day!
- Allow the oil to absorb for a while, as carrot oil can stain clothes.
- Get dressed and move on to your next day's errands.
Olea Europaea Fruit Oil, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil, Citrus Limon Peel Oil, Limonene, Dunaliella Salina Extract
Store at room temperature and protected from sunlight. The shelf life of the body oil when opened is 12 months. The shelf life is printed on the bottle.
Only 1 left in stock
Salfas 1000 pcs, fiber-free 3,28 € does not include VAT
Made from high-quality cellulose, our cellulosic pads are ready-to-use and pre-cut for easy and clean application.
In stock
Pink masks 10 pcs 1,64 € does not include VAT
The pink disposable face mask is a 3-layer face mask that ideal for use in the salon and for giving to customers. There are 10 pieces in the package
Let's do iti.e not with medical masks.
Instructions for use
– Clean your hands before touching the mask – wash your hands with soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
– Place the mask on your face covering your nose and mouth. The colored side of the mask faces outwards and the edge with the nose clip faces upwards. Pinch the stiff edge of the mask with the metal strip so that it molds around your nose. Make sure the mask covers the nose, mouth and chin.
– If you wear glasses, place them on top of the mask.
– Remove the mask after use
– Throw away the mask immediately after use
– Clean your hands again after touching or picking up the mask.
Warnings and precautions
The maximum wearing time of the protective mask is 4 hours, after which it is recommended to change the mask, because its surface can transmit the virus.
The mask must be changed when it has become wet and exposed to splashes of secretions.
Hand hygiene is important when using and removing the mask - otherwise, a contaminated face mask may encourage infection
In stock
Green soap concentrate 1000ml 18,03 € does not include VAT
Green soap concentrate hwith witch hazel and aloe vera (1000ml)
Green soap with antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties and physiological pH is a cleaning agent before and after tattooing/permanent makeup.
The effect of green soap alleviates the redness that occurs during tattooing, allowing you to bring out a realistic color result. It also reduces bleeding and helps keep pigment in the skin.
Aloe vera makes it possible to achieve a lighter healing and rejuvenating effect.
Formulated by the greatest masters of tattooing, removes residue without irritating or reddening the skin! It gives the skin a natural feeling of freshness and relief when used during the tattooing process.
– The product can be applied neat or diluted up to 80%
– Apply to skin and gently pat to remove dirt
– In case of hypersensitivity to any component of the product, discontinue use immediately!
– Does not contain substances of animal origin
– Nickel free
– Paraben-free, SLS-free
– For external use only!INGREDIENTS: Aqua, Coccoamidopropylbetaina, Sodium Pareth Sulfate, Disodium Laureth Solfosuccinate, Cocamide Dea, Hamamelis Virginiana, Aloe Vera, Glycerin, Sorbitol, Parfum, Lactic Acid, Triclosan, Sodium Chloride, Methylothiazole, Edazolone, CI 19082
1000ml (22 EUR/l)
Only 2 left in stock
PRETTY ME UP. 3-STEP MICELLAR WATER 4,10 € does not include VAT
A versatile micellar water designed to prepare, cleanse and care for the skin in all three stages of the pigmentation process: before, during and after treatment. The innovative formula restores optimal moisture levels and strengthens the skin's barrier. This gentle but effective product thoroughly cleanses the skin, removing pigment residues that can sensitize the skin. PMU micellar water has soothing, calming and astringent properties that help to reduce inflammation, reduce itching and support the regeneration of irritated skin. Recommended for use by both professional permanent makeup artists and their clients for daily post-care skin care. The formula is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.
Country of origin: Poland
Ingredients and Actions:
ALLANTOIN: soothing, relieves irritation, helps restore moisture levels and supports skin regeneration • BETAIN: Significant moisturizing properties that strengthen the skin barrier, providing protection against external factors • PANTHENOL: Improves skin hydration, softens the outer layer of the skin, accelerates regeneration and soothes irritation, reduces itching • SALLY FLOWER EXTRACT: Supports the reduction of inflammation, soothes irritations and soothes the skin • HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA EXTRACT: Rich in beneficial active substances such as tannins, flavonoids and phenolic acids. It has astringent properties and helps to relieve inflammation • GLYCERIN: Helps to hydrate the skin properly, preventing it from drying out.
Instructions for use:
Soak a cotton pad with micellar water.
Apply to the pigmented area and wait a few seconds or wipe gently.
No need to rinse.
Apply before, during and immediately after the pigmentation procedure.
STEP 1: Preparation for the procedure. Thoroughly cleanses the skin of make-up and henna residues.
STEP 2: Cleaning during the procedure. Effectively removes dried pigment from the skin.
STEP 3: Post-treatment care. Helps with skin care and maintaining proper hygiene. The perfect complement to other Pretty Me Up products.
Note: Store in a cool and shady place. For external use only.
Micellar water is enriched with natural plant extracts of calendula and witch hazel, which can cause sedimentation in the product.
Ingredients (INCI): water/water, propanediol, 1,2-hexanediol, glycerin, betaine, PPG-5 cet-20, panthenol, allantoin, witch hazel, bark/leaf/twig extract, calendula extract, flower extract Citric acid, sodium hydroxide, caramel, disodium EDTA sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate -
Brand: DEFENDERPower Supply PS-8 Defenderr 245,90 € does not include VAT
Võimas ja turvaline.
Stiilne ja mugav.
Kõik see on kaasaegne impulss-toiteplokk DEFEDERR PS-8.
Suurepärane valik algajatele ning usaldusväärne abiline tätoveeringute ja püsimeigi professionaalidele.
Technical specifications:
Sisendpinge: 100-240V
Maksimaalne vool: 4A
Pidev vool: 2 A
Pinge reguleerimine vahemikus: 1,5 – 18 V.
Pinge muutumise samm: 0,1V
Korpuse materjal: alumiinium
Kaal: 235 g.
Täielik komplekt: toiteplokk, adapter, juhe.
Karbi kaal: 785 g.
Tootja garantii: 1 aasta.
Disainitud USA-s.
DEFENDER PS-8 on mitmekülgne toiteallikas.
Ühildub kõigi induktsioon- ja pöörlemismasinatega.
Jump-start funktsioon võimaldab teil kasutada kõrge käivituspingega masinaid.
Saab juhtida pedaaliga või ilma.
Säilitab standardse 1/4 klambri juhtme ja pedaali pistikud.
DEFENDER PS-8 on lihtne kasutada.
Sellel on puutetundliku ekraani liides koos värvide visualiseerimise ja suure, hõlpsasti loetava fontiga.
Värviteema muutub võimsuse muutudes.
Ekraanil kuvatakse kõik vajalikud parameetrid: volt, amper, töötsükkel ja reguleerimisnäidikud.
DEFENDER PS-8 on igati mugav.
Võimalus on ühendada kaks masinat korraga.
Sellel on sisseehitatud reaalajas kell ja tunnitasuga seansiloendur.
Magnetiga silikoonpõhi võimaldab seda hästi fikseerida nii siledatel kui metallpindadel.
DEFENDER PS-8 on teie seadmetele ohutu.
See on varustatud sisseehitatud lühise- ja ülekuumenemiskaitsega.
Toiteallikal on puhkerežiimi funktsioon, mis lülitub automaatselt sisse pärast 5-minutilist tegevusetust.Võimalik tellida järeltellimusega
Available on back-order
PMU – PRETTY ME UP PREMIUM Balm 15ML 9,84 € does not include VAT
PMU- Pretty Me Up Premium Balm is a luxurious balm after permanent makeup and aesthetic medicine procedures. Its natural composition includes highly nutritious coconut oil and mango butter. It speeds up the healing process and also moisturizes the lips for up to 12 hours.
PMU- Pretty Me Up Premium Balm is a luxurious balm after permanent makeup and aesthetic medicine procedures. The balm perfectly protects the lip surface after pigmentation, speeds up the healing process and also moisturizes the deeper layers of the epidermis.
Thanks to the high content of coconut oil from Philippine palm trees, the balm moisturizes and softens the skin. Mango butter restores the delicate lip skin and makes it more elastic. Known as the vitamin of youth, vitamin E protects the skin from aging. The balm has a rich and easily absorbed composition that protects the skin from external influences.
PMU- Pretty Me Up is very easy to use and looks charming. Ideal for the most demanding customers. If you haven't, try it!
Capacity: 15 ml
Ingredients: Vaseline, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Mangifera Indica (Mango) Seed Butter, Paraffinum Liquidum, Cetyl Alcohol, Silicon Dioxide, Dimethicone, Tocopheryl Acetate, Propanediol
How to use:
Apply the balm gently to the surface of the lips. For best healing and restorative effects, keep lips moisturized at all times.
Active ingredients:
Coconut oil comes from palm trees in the Philippines and Indonesia. It protects, moisturizes and softens the skin. The acid profile is rich in saturated fatty acids (ca. 90%): lauric, myristic, caprylic, capric, palmitic and stearic acids. Among the unsaturated fatty acids in oil, we find oleic acid. The raw material is also a source of antioxidant tocotrienols.
Mango butter is a natural fat from Indian mango fruits. It contains both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Unsaturated acids include a high content of oleic acid, while the dominant saturated acid is stearic acid. Butter softens, moisturizes and makes the skin more elastic. Restores rough and dry skin.
Vitamin E is called the vitamin of youth. It acts as a strong antioxidant - a protective agent that neutralizes the activity of free radicals. It protects the skin from aging and also from drying. It softens the skin, makes it more elastic and prevents the change of roughness.
In stock
Plexiglas base for cups 8,20 € does not include VAT
Pleksiklaasist alus tasside ja loputustopside jaoks – mõõdud 8, 10, 13 mm tasside jaoks.
Sellel tootel on magnet ja libisemiskindel alus.Only 1 left in stock
Perma Blend LUXE Thick Shading Solution 15ml
32,70 €Original price was: 32,70 €.20,49 €Current price is: 20,49 €. does not include VATPerma Blend LUXE Thick Shading Solution is a REACH compliant shading solution that can be added to your pigment to create a thicker consistency.
The research-oriented formula of the LUXE range has been extensively tested to ensure these pigments meet all new regulations and are used by artists around the world.
Main features:
Thick shading solution
Volume: 15 ml
Fully REACH and EU compliant
Batch tested for micro issuesIn stock
Brand: Perma Blend LuxePerma Blend Luxe PMU pigment - Hot Pink 15ml 32,70 € does not include VAT
Victorian Rose lip pigment
LUXE is a brand new luxurious line of permanent make-up pigments from global manufacturer Perma Blend. This range is 100% EU and REACH compliant and complies with all new regulations so permanent makeup artists can use it worldwide.
These pigments have been carefully tested and calibrated for color accuracy. With a heavy pigment load, LUXE pigments have all the benefits of the classic Perma Blend pigments we all know and love!
– Used for lips
– High-quality tone lasts a long time
– Global Certified Safety Guarantee
– Certified and vegan-friendly and never tested on animalsMade in the USA
You can find the certificate and user manual on the category page.
Only 2 left in stock
Brand: Perma Blend LuxePerma Blend Luxe PMU Ink – Rose Royale v2 15ml 38,85 € does not include VAT
Rose Royale v2 is an updated 2023 REACH compliant version of the Perma Blend LUXE Rose Royale pigment.
LUXE pigments with a powerful pigment load improve the skin vividly, with long-term and stable results. The research-based formula has been extensively tested to ensure these pigments meet all new regulations and are used by artists around the world.
Main features:
Color: Rose Royale v2
Volume: 15 ml
Updated formula to meet 2023 regulations
Fully REACH and EU compliant
Manufactured according to the ISO 13485 quality control system
Batch tested for micro issues
Color calibrated for accuracyOnly 1 left in stock
Brand: Perma Blend LuxePerma Blend Luxe – Pink Gala pigment 15ml 32,70 € does not include VAT
Pink Gala pigment 15ml – a medium deep pink lip color with medium opacity and a more neutral undertone. Organic!
LUXE is a brand new luxury line of permanent makeup pigments from global producers Perma Blend. This range is 100% EU and REACH compliant and complies with all new regulations so permanent makeup artists can use it worldwide.
These pigments have been carefully tested and calibrated for color accuracy. With a heavy pigment load, LUXE pigments have all the benefits of the classic Perma Blend pigments we all know and love!Advantages:
– Used for eyebrows and some shades for eyeliner
– Lush tone
– High-quality tone lasts a long time
– Global Certified Safety Guarantee
– Certified and vegan-friendly and never tested on animalsMade in the USA
You can find the certificate and user manual on the category page.
Only 1 left in stock
Brand: Perma Blend LuxePerma Blend Luxe - pigment set 6x15ml 233,11 € does not include VAT
A set formulated by Perma Blend to provide a full set of colors that perfectly reproduce the color even after healing. For you, this means creating more and worrying less about the end result. In some cases, it may be necessary to use the modifier included in the kit to get a perfect fit for the customer. The perfect set for every permanent makeup master!
The new Luxe pigment series has been developed in accordance with the latest REACH regulations of the European Union, which will be valid from January 4, 2022.
Shades included in the set:
- Ready Ash
- Ready Blonde
- Ready Medium
- Ready Mod
- Ready Darkest
- Ready Dark
Perma Blend Cosmetic Pigments - pigments for permanent makeup treatments - micropigmentation. Made of micro-particles that ensure durability and perfect color reflection. The consistency of the pigment ensures easy introduction of the dye under the skin, which ensures no corrections.
Application: Eyebrows, eyelashes, lips and corrections such as scars, vitiligo (patchy pigmentation), etc.
Excellent color reproduction and durability. For use with any method (manually and with a permanent makeup machine). Colors can be mixed together!
Made in the USA
You can find the certificate and user manual on the category page.
Only 1 left in stock
Brand: Perma Blend LuxePerma Blend Luxe – Henna pigment 15ml 31,97 € does not include VAT
A warm shade of henna for the lips
LUXE is a brand new luxurious line of permanent make-up pigments from global manufacturer Perma Blend. This range is 100% EU and REACH compliant and complies with all new regulations so permanent makeup artists can use it worldwide.
These pigments have been carefully tested and calibrated for color accuracy. With a heavy pigment load, LUXE pigments have all the benefits of the classic Perma Blend pigments we all know and love!Advantages:
– Used in permanent lip makeup
– Lush tone
– High-quality tone lasts a long time
– Global Certified Safety Guarantee
– Certified and vegan-friendly and never tested on animalsMade in the USA
You can find the certificate and user manual on the category page.
Only 1 left in stock