Voodikatte roosa 10tk
14,64 €
Voodi fooliumkate on praktiline lahendus, mis välistab lekke- ja mustuseprobleemi. Lisaks isoleerib see kliendi nahka ja riideid, voodist, millega paljud inimesed kokku puutuvad.
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The Masklean transparent plastic mask is a patented and innovative product that increases the hygiene level of your business and allows you to interact with customers without hiding your smile. Very convenient to use.
Let's do iti.e not with medical masks.
Instructions for use
– Clean your hands before touching the mask – wash your hands with soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
– Remove the mask after use
– Clean your hands again after touching or picking up the mask.
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Aniosgel 800 on allergiavaba koostisega geeli kujul olev nahasõbralik käte antiseptikum, mis sobib suurepäraselt ka tundlikule nahale. Ei kuivata ärritusele kalduvat nahka. Tänu tootes olevatele hoolduskomponentidele jääb pärast kasutamist nahale tunne, nagu oleks käsi just kreemitanud. Ei jäta ebameeldivat kleepuvat kihti.
- hüpoallergiline koostis (ei sisalda värvi- ja lõhnaaineid)
- säilitab naha niiskustaseme
- pH u 5,5 (sarnane naha pH-ga)
- lai mikorbioloogiline sptekter (bakterid, seened, viirused, toime rota- ja noroviirusele)
- sobib nii hügieeniliseks kui kirurgiliseks antiseptikaks
- toimeaeg alates 30 sekundit / kirurgiline antisepitka 90 sekundit
- etanoolisisalduse mahuprotsent (% vol) 83,8
3ml antiseptikumi kanda kuivadele kätele (ka ärritunud nahk). Jälgi, et kogu naha pind kätel oleks geeliga kaetud (k.a sõrmede vahed, küünte ümbrus, pöidlad jne).
Sobib kasutamiseks nii meditsiinis, laborites, haiglates patsientidele ja külastajatele ning iluteenindajale kasutamiseks enne iluhooldusi.
Aniosgel 800 vastab uusimatele Euroopa Liidu standarditele ja kõikidele Euroopa normidele (hügieeniline ja kirurgiline antiseptika).
Biotsiidi kasutusluba 1445/16
Selle logoga tooted vastavad ökoloogilise disaini nõuetele. Juba mitmeid aastaid on Laboratoires ANIOS oma äritegevuse juhtimisel lähtunud vabatahtlikult võetud kohustusest, mille sisuks on kolme peamise väärtuse tähtsustamine, nimelt KVALITEET, TURVALISUS JA KESKKOND (SES). Andmaks täpsemat pilti meie kokkuleppest, oleme sõnastanud endale võetud kohustused vastavas dokumendis – ANIOSAFE´i hartas, mis lisaks seadusest tulenevatele nõuetele väärtustab mikroobidevastase võitluse kõrval ka inimesi ja keskkonda. Oleme sellega kõikides ANIOSE toodete elutsükli faasides võtnud kohustuse kaitsta keskkonda e luua ökoloogiliselt disainitud tooteid. Ühtlasi hõlmab harta meetmeid, mille kaudu kontrollida toodete mõju inimestele.
Etanool (800 mg/g e 838 ml/l – No CAS 64-17-5). Tihendavad, niisutavad ja emulgeerivad komponendid ja vesi. Ei sisalda värvaineid ja parfüümi.
Only 2 left in stock
The Pearl series glove is a versatile, food-safe hygienic and protective glove made of nitrile. Disposable gloves are used in gastronomy and industry, in hospitals and medical facilities, and in beauty salons and hairdressing salons. The gloves have been tested in accordance with the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and European standards EN 374, EN 420 and EN 455. Pearl material is waterproof, extremely tear-resistant and protects against viruses, fungi and bacteria. The latex-, thiuram- and protein-free glove is also particularly gentle on the skin. Roughened fingertips ensure a firm grip without reducing tactile sensitivity. Its flexible fit makes putting on and taking off the gloves easy and comfortable. The ambidextrous design makes them convenient to use.
Sizes: XS, S, M, L
In the package: 100 pcs
Odorless, phosphate-free liquid concentrate for washing and disinfecting surfaces. Since the product uses various quaternary ammonium compounds, which make it broad-spectrum, it also acts on those bacteria that quickly become resistant to conventional disinfectants. Considering the above, CHEMIPHARM DES NEW does not need to be replaced after some time, as is recommended for conventional disinfectants. CHEMIPHARM DES NEW has a broad fungicidal and bactericidal effect, destroys Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, inactivates viruses. Very effective against dermatophytes, yeasts and molds. Due to the content of surfactants, the product has good cleaning properties.
The product meets the requirements of EN 1040, EN 1275 on pH concentrate 11 pH on working solution 9 Biocides Registration Certificate No 0037/05′
100 g of the product contains: quaternary ammonium compounds 7g (active ingredient), sodium carbonate, non-ionic surfactants 5-15g, complexing agent
CHEMIPHARM DES NEW is suitable for cleaning and disinfecting water-resistant surfaces. The product is intended for use in hospitals, sanatoriums, nursing homes, children's institutions, food industry companies, hairdressing and cosmetic salons, saunas, swimming pools and everywhere else where disinfection of surfaces is necessary. Treat rooms (floors, walls, doors, window sills) and furniture with 0.3-1% working solution. Treated surfaces do not need to be rinsed. If necessary, the surfaces can be wiped with a dry cloth after the working time. Spraying devices can be used to disinfect rooms and hard furniture, soft furniture and smaller items can be rubbed with a sponge or cloth moistened in the working solution. In the food industry, 1% CHEMIPHARM DES NEW working solution can be used to impregnate desomatts. The tool is safe for footwear material. Make sure that the desomats are constantly moist. In children's institutions, CHEMIPHARM DES NEW is suitable for disinfecting surfaces and toys. It is advisable to rinse the toys. CHEMIPHARM DES NEW is also an effective tool for the destruction and prevention of athlete's foot, therefore it is particularly suitable for washing saunas, showers, swimming pools and bathtubs for which 1% working solution is used (10 ml of CHEMIPHARM DES NEW per 990 ml of water). In the case of nail fungus during medical treatment and 6 months after, it is recommended to wash socks and stockings with CHEMIPHARM DES NEW 0.3% solution (3 ml CHEMIPHARM DES NEW per 997 ml water), as well as sprinkle Chemisept FG (more information in the product manual) into the shoes and let them dry . Healing from fungal diseases of the skin and nails is significantly accelerated. The working time of the working solution depends on its concentration. 0.3% (add 3 ml of concentrate to 997 ml of water) 10 min; 0.5% (add 5 ml of concentrate to 995 ml of water) – 1% (add 10 ml of concentrate to 990 ml of water) 5 min; For heavily contaminated surfaces. 1% (add 10 ml of concentrate to 990 ml of water) 30 min. The shelf life of the finished solution in a closed container is 14 days, for the solution in use 24 hours. PRECAUTIONS: Follow safety regulations when handling! Contains biocide! Read the user manual before use! The concentrate irritates the eyes and skin. In case of eye contact, rinse immediately with plenty of water and consult a doctor. Wear suitable protective gloves.
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