Dark Blond • 10 ml
45,01 € does not include VAT
EL-is asuvatele PMU-meistritele: treeningpigmendid, mitte kasutada nahal (koostis vastavalt EU ReSAP (2008) 1-le, ei ühildu Reachiga)
Temperatuur: Soe
tehnikat: puudertäitmine, varjutamine, juukselöögi tehnika (täiuslik)
juuksed: Blond, brünett
Nahavärv: Soe, neutraalne, kül
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iColor Fix Premium is an aftercare product for eyebrows and lips after the permanent makeup procedure. It keeps the pigment under the skin and protects against external factors.
Thanks to its composition and consistency, iColor FIX preserves pigment particles during the healing process, protects the treatment from external factors and moisturizes the skin. The product immediately creates a water-repellent membrane on the wound, but penetrates the skin and prevents the pigment from dispersing. Ideal for both eyebrows and lips. In addition, thanks to its transparent substance and effect, it allows you to create excellent professional photos of lip care.
Ingredients: polydimethylsiloxane - Creates a membrane on the wound immediately and blocks the pigment under the skin, protecting it from external agents. It is water repellent but allows the skin to breathe.
Quantity: 10ml (3500eur/L)
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True Lips on põnev huulte pigmendikomplekt, mille on teile kureerinud Evenflo Colorsi asutaja ja PMU ekspert Lulu Siciliano. Nagu paljud teised Evenflo tooted, valmistati True Lips kvaliteetsetest koostisosadest ja nõuetekohastest ohutusstandarditest, et aidata teil saavutada iga kord optimaalseid paranemistulemusi.
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Toote omadused:
Suur pigmendikoormus tagab maksimaalse värvi säilimise
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Permanent lip makeup is the perfect way to emphasize the natural beauty of your clients. Thanks to Nuva Colors, you will discover unlimited possibilities and feel how pleasant working with pigments can be.
Lip pigments:
155 WICKED RED - Pigment for lips. Cool tone. Use for skin phototypes 2,3,4
175 RUSSIAN RED - Pigment for lips. Cool tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4
180 LIPSTICK RED – Pigment for lips. Warm tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4,5,6
185 SUNRIED TOMATO - Pigment for lips. Warm tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4,5,6
190 PINK BLUSH - Pigment for lips. Cool tone. Use for skin phototypes 3,4,5
195 BOYSENBERRY JAM - Lip pigment. Warm tone. Use for skin phototypes 2,3,4
200 WILD PINK – Pigment for lips. Cool tone. Use for skin phototypes 2,3,4
205 CRUSHED BERRIES - Lip pigment. Cool tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4
210 ROSE PINK – Pigment for lips. Cool tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4
215 PINK MAUVE – Pigment for lips. cool tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4
220 PINKY SWEAR - Pigment for lips. Neutral tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4,5
225 TICKLE ME PINK - Pigment for lips. Neutral tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4
230 SPRING PINK – Pigment for lips. Neutral tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4
235 LIGHT PONY – Pigment for lips. Neutral tone. Use for skin phototypes 1,2,3,4
Store at room temperature in a tightly closed bottle. Before using the pigment, it is necessary to shake the contents of the bottle for at least one minute.
Rose Créme - a calm, rose-red pigment with brown undertones. Suitable for darkening other pigments. Color that has no age. It is not flashy and is designed for those who love soft and deep tones.
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Stylish Nude - medium intensity rosewood color. Maximum natural tone, not suitable for lipstick effect. Used for light watercolor results. Suitable for young girls who want natural permanent makeup. Can be used as a base for mixtures.
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